Leading Indicators
118 posts
Economic Risk Factor Update – December 2015
Economic Risk Factor Update – December 2015 by Brad McMillan, CIO, Commonwealth Financial Network Once again, it’s time…
Economic Risk Factor Update: November 2015
Economic Risk Factor Update: November 2015 by Brad McMillan, CIO, Commonwealth Financial Network Once again, it’s time for…
Ten Charts on the State of the Global Economy
by Short Side of Long Leading Indicators Chart 1 & 2: Global manufacturing still expanding… but at slower…
James Paulsen: Investment Outlook (December 4, 2014)
Unemployment Rate Falling Much Faster Than Expected by James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, Wells Capital Management December 4,…
Why a 2015 Recession is Unlikely
by Calculated Risk Barry Ritholtz tweeted this morning: "Forcaster who was wrong about recession in 2010 sees recession…
4 Years Until The Next Recession? Not Likely
by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management, David Rosenberg, in one of his recent missives, wrote: "Historically, when…
“Bad News is Good” – A Hard Habit for Investors to Kick
Last week’s market performance proved that investors are having a hard time kicking a certain habit: treating “bad…
Liz Ann Sonders: Slow Ride: Housing’s Recovery Taking a Breather
by Liz Ann Sonders, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Strategist, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. June 2, 2014…
PIMCO: Why Key Long-Term Trends Matter to Stock Pickers
by Virginie Maisonneuve, PIMCO The combination of demographic changes, climate change and the ongoing shift in emerging markets…
The Case for Reflationary Assets
by Market Anthropology A wise and bearded man once said, "Everything in moderation. Nothing in excess." And although he…
"Liquidity Is About To Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Ignorance & Fear"
Another perspective on the Volcker Rule via Colin Burgess of Sterling, authoried by Anthony Peters of SwissInvest Mario's…
The Wisdom of Looking Like an Idiot Today
Now is the time to act with the courage of our convictions by Adam Taggart, Peak Prosperity IF…
Scott Minerd: Passing The Wall of Worry
November 26 2013 As this bull market climbs its “wall of worry,” we can see its underlying strength.…