Smart Beta
9 posts
Revisiting Our “Horribly Wrong” Paper: That Was Then, This Is Now
by Rob Arnott and Amie Ko, Research Affiliates Key Points Nearly seven years have passed since the publication…
Navigating Volatility: The Case for Tactical Alpha
In today's volatile markets, alternative investments are key for diversification, resilience, and returns, but they demand expertise to navigate. Ash Lawrence, Head of AGF Capital Partners and Scott Radke, CEO and Co-CIO of New Holland Capital discuss...
4 Concentrated Factor Investing with Wesley Gray, PhD, Alpha Architect
Watch on Youtube Listen to the episode In this episode, your very own Raise Your Average crew are…
Mike Philbrick: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Mike Philbrick, President of Resolve Asset Management joined us for an in-depth discussion about a subject that is…
Art Johnson: Do Smart Beta ETFs Diminish the Advisor's Value?
Art Johnson, Founder and CIO, SmartBe Wealth, joins us at Inside ETFs Canada. There has been rapid advancement…
Style drift & the rise of the generalist
by Craig Basinger, Chris Kerlow, Shane Obata, Derek Benedet, Connected Wealth, Richardson GMP When starting in the investment…
Multi-Asset Class Strategies: How Do I Use Thee? Let Me Count The Ways
by Peter Chiappinelli, Multi-Asset, Asset Allocation Team, GMO Executive Summary Not too long ago, investors, consultants, and advisors…
Active vs Passive: When, Where and Why to be Which
Active vs Passive: When, Where and Why to be Which by Craig Basinger, Chris Kerlow, Derek Benedet, Shane…
Are Low Vol ETFs as Smart as They Sound?
by Josh Rubin, Thornburg Investment Management “Smart Beta” ETFs and their low-volatility ETF progeny may deliver a lower…
Eugene Fama: Stick with Basic Factors
by Ron Rimkus, CFA, CFA Institute Have the advances in technology, computing power, and data made the markets…