Momentum Investing
8 posts
Why Global Financial Markets Are in Extreme Flux
by AGF Investments' Investment Management Team, AGF Investments Members of AGF Investments’ investment management team weigh in on…
Navigating Volatility: The Case for Tactical Alpha
In today's volatile markets, alternative investments are key for diversification, resilience, and returns, but they demand expertise to navigate. Ash Lawrence, Head of AGF Capital Partners and Scott Radke, CEO and Co-CIO of New Holland Capital discuss...
Riding the Momentum - Looking Beyond the Tech Giants
by Raffaele Sevi and Jeff Shen, Systematic Investing, BlackRock After a strong start to the year, equity investors…
Quality is now a momentum trade
by Russ Koesterich, CFA, JD, Portfolio Manager, BlackRock In this article, Russ Koesterich discusses why the current momentum…
When Momentum Loses Momentum
by Andrew Ang, PhD, Head of Factors, Sustainable and Solutions for BlackRock Systematic, BlackRock Key takeaways The momentum…
Why Factor ETFs?
Listen to the article (2:29): According to Veronika Popova, Director of ETF Strategy at CI Global Asset…
Solid US Value Equities: It's All About Earnings
by James MacGregor, CIO, US Small and Mid Cap Value Equities, AllianceBernstein As we go into 2022 and…
Incentives Pivot from Greed to Fear
by Cole Smead,, CFA, Smead Capital Management The talk of inflation today looks much like housing did in…
4 Concentrated Factor Investing with Wesley Gray, PhD, Alpha Architect
Watch on Youtube Listen to the episode In this episode, your very own Raise Your Average crew are…