Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

by Lance Roberts, RIA

Recession risk is rising rapidly. In fact, it is possible that we may already be in one.

While such a claim may sound impossible, given that Q4-GDP was above 5% in terms of annualized growth, such would not be the first time such a turn occurred.

As I discussed in ā€œShortest Recession In History,ā€ the 2020 recession lasted just two months. However, during those two months, the economy fell by 31.4% (GDP), and the financial markets plunged by 33%. Both of those declines, as shown in the table below, are within historical norms.

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

Here it is graphically. The chart shows the historical length of each recession and the corresponding market decline.

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

However, while the effects of theĀ ā€œrecessionā€ were all within historical norms, theĀ recession itself was not.Ā As the National Bureau Of Economic Research stated at that time:

ā€œIn determining that a trough occurred in April 2020,Ā the committee DID NOT concludeĀ that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity.Ā The committee decided that any future downturn of the economy would be a new recession and not a continuation of the recession associated with the February 2020 peak.

The last sentence is the most important.

While the interventions certainly salvaged the economy from a more prolonged recessionary event, they also made the economy more fragile.Ā Furthermore, by dragging forward future consumption, the interventions only gave the appearance of economic activity.Ā As that liquidity reverses, and assuming interventions donā€™t repeat, the economy will reverse course rapidly. Such is already evident in the Atlanta Fedā€™s GDP forecast for Q1-2022.

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

NBER Is Always Late

The current consensus is with strong Q4 economic growth, unemployment near record lows, and nominal wage growth rising, there is ā€œno recession on the horizon.ā€

Obviously, the recent spasms of the market this year are nothing more than a normal market correction that historically happens. The chart shows the S&P 500 going back to 1960 with someĀ ā€œinteresting blue dots.ā€Ā Ā (Cheap trick to get you to keep reading.)

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

The problem with making an assessment about the state of the economy today, based on current data points, is that these numbers areĀ only ā€œbest guesses.ā€ Economic data is subject to substantive negative revisions as data gets collected and adjusted over the forthcoming 12- and 36-months.

Consider for a minute that in January 2008 Chairman Bernanke stated:

ā€œThe Federal Reserve is not currently forecasting a recession.ā€

In hindsight, the NBER, in December 2008, dated the start of the official recession was December 2007.

If Ben Bernanke didnā€™t know a recession was underway, how would we?

Letā€™s take a look at the data below of realĀ (inflation-adjusted)Ā economic growth rates:

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

Each of the dates above shows the growth rate of the economyĀ immediately prior to the onset of a recession.Ā You will note in the table above that in 7 of the last 10 recessions, real GDP growth was running at 2% or above. In other words, according to the media, there was NO indication of a recession.

But the next month one began.

Letā€™s go back to thoseĀ ā€œinteresting blue dotsā€Ā in the S&P 500 chart above.Ā 

Each of those dots is the peak of the market PRIOR to the onset of a recession.Ā In 9 of 10 instances, the S&P 500 peaked and turned lower prior to the recognition of a recession.Ā 

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

Waiting On The Data

In other words, the decline from the peak wasĀ ā€œjust a correctionā€Ā as economic growth was still strong.

In reality, however, the market was signaling a coming recession in the months ahead. The economic data just didnā€™t reflect it as of yet.Ā (The only exception was 1980 where they coincided in the same month.)Ā The table below shows the date of the market peak and real GDP versus the start of the recession and GDP growth at that time.

The problem is in waiting for the data to catch up.

Prior to 1980, the NBER did not officially date recession starting and ending points.

For example:

  • In July 1956, the market peaked at 48.78 and started to decline.Ā 
  • Economic growth was increasing from 0.9% and heading to 3.07% in 1957. (No sign of recession)
  • In September 1957 the economy fell into recession and the market had already fallen by almost 10%.
  • From peak to trough, the market fell 17.38%
  • Importantly, the market had warned of a recession 14-months in advance.Ā 
Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

As noted above, during the entirety of 2007, the majority of the media, analysts, and economic community proclaimed there wasĀ ā€œno sign of recession.ā€

Today, we are once again seeing many of the same early warnings. If you have been paying attention to theĀ trendĀ of the economic data, the stock market, and the yield curve, the warnings are becoming more pronounced.

So, therein lies THE question:

Is the market currently signaling a ā€œrecession warning?ā€

Everybody wants a specific answer.Ā ā€œYesā€Ā orĀ ā€œNo.ā€

The Yield Curve Warning

Unfortunately, making absolute predictions can be extremely costly when it comes to portfolio management.

Note: In the table above, the time span between the market downturn and the start of a recession has gotten compressed since 1973. This is due to the NBER looking backward and using ā€œrevisedā€ data by the BEA. Therefore, the data aligns more closely with what the market signaled PRIOR TO those economic revisions.

There are three lessons to be learned from this analysis:

  1. The economic ā€œnumberā€ reported today will not be the sameĀ when it is revisedĀ in the future.
  2. The trend and deviation of the dataĀ are far more important than the number itself.
  3. ā€œRecordā€ highs and lowsĀ are records for a reasonĀ as they denote historical turning points in the data.

We do know, with absolute certainty, this cycle will end.

ā€œEconomic cycles are only sustainable for asĀ long as excesses are built.Ā The natural law of reversions, while they can be suspended by artificial interventions, cannot be repealed.ā€Ā 

As such, the yield curve is one of the most important indicators for determining recession risk and the potential for a subsequent bear market.

Investors should never dismiss the message sent by the bond market. Bonds are essential for their predictive qualities, which is why analysts pay an enormous amount of attention to U.S. government bonds.

Oil prices, war, political uncertainty, the dollar, credit risk, earnings, etc., all get reflected in the level of interest rates. From the time the yield curve inverts, a recession started within roughly 9-months. The declining yield curve suggests economic growth is slowing.

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

While it may seem as if a recession is ā€œnowhere in sight,ā€ the yield curve suggests that risk is higher than we think.

Recession Risk Higher We Think

ā€œWhile the NBER declared the 2020 recession the shortest in history, such does not preclude another recession from occurring sooner than later. All the excesses that existed before the last recession have worsened since then.

Given the dynamics for an economic recession remain, it will only require an unexpected, exogenous event to push the economy back into contraction.ā€

At that time, the Fed didnā€™t believe that $5 Trillion in liquidity would spark the highest level of inflation since the 1970s. Nor did they expect a geopolitical crisis with Russia. However, the coincident surge of inflation, combined with spiking energy costs, is negatively impacting consumption.

Unfortunately, it isnā€™t just inflation that is the problem. The surge of liquidity in 2020 pulled forward a massive amount of consumer spending. With that liquidity now gone, and wages not keeping up with inflation, consumption (70% of the GDP calculation) will slow sharply in the months ahead.

Coincidently, the Federal Reserve is getting forced to hike rates to combat those inflationary pressures. Those higher rates reduce inflation by slowing economic growth.

As noted in ā€œThe Fed Wonā€™t Hike As Much As Expected:ā€

ā€œWhile raising rates will increase recession risk and a significant market correction, it might be the ā€˜lesser of two evils from the Fedā€™s perspective.Ā 

Being caught near theĀ ā€˜zero boundā€™Ā at the onset of a recession leaves few options to stabilize an economic decline.ā€

There are many factors that could keep the economy from slipping into a recession. However, recession risk is clearly elevated and the market may be a warning of the same. Historically, spiking inflation is coincident with market peaks and bear markets.

Recession Risk, Recession Risk: Rising Rapidly (Or, Could We Be In One Already?)

If you are quick to dismiss the idea, remember no one expected a recession in 2020 either.

But we did warn you about it in 2019.

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