Work Until 100, Just Warren Buffett Plans, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an excellent weekend!

Types Of Crohn's Disease | LIVESTRONG.COM

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. The disease usually affects people between the ages of 15 to 35, but it can start at any age. Risk factors include smoking, Jewish ancestry and a family history of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease can affect the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, and is categorized by what parts it impacts. According to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, there are five types of Crohn's disease with varying symptoms.


5 Daily Habits For Living Longer | LIVESTRONG.COM

People who eat a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables consistently have the lowest rates of chronic disease. They maintain healthier body weights, and they live longer.


What is osteoporosis? | Osteoporosis Explained |

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones, thinning and weakening them, making them more likely to break or fracture. Up to 80% of fractures that occur in women 50+ are fragility fractures. Fragility fractures are those caused by a fall from standing height (or less) that would not ordinarily cause a fracture in a healthy adult.


Work Until 100, Just Like Warren Buffett Plans - US News and World Report

Longevity has taken up residence in the corner office. Many business leaders routinely work beyond age 65. That's not new. But increasingly, they're keeping the lights on for decades after reaching what used to be the traditional retirement age.


Where the Jobs Will Be in 2020 - US News and World Report

We know which kinds of jobs will be most plentiful over the next eight years until 2020. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that positions in healthcare and social assistance, professional and business services, and construction will represent more than half of the 20.5 million new jobs it expects to be created by 2020.


Mark Chimsky: The Retirement Balance Sheet That Will Change Your Life

Know your "life portfolio." One of the ways to do this is to build a diversified "Life Portfolio Program®," a concept developed by New Directions, a nationally recognized company that is a leader in the field of helping senior-level executives with career transitions and retirement.


Women's Middle-Age Spread Linked to Health at 70

Weight at midlife -- especially pounds put on after age 18 -- appears to determine a woman's health in old age.


Can drinking coffee make you go blind? - Health News - NHS Choices

Switching to decaf could save your sight, claims the Daily Mail. The newspaper reports that drinking three or more cups of coffee a day is linked with vision loss and blindness.


Healthy lifestyle in your 70s can 'add six years' to lifespan - Health News - NHS Choices

The story is based on a large Swedish study of people aged 75 and over, which found that those with a healthy lifestyle (such as not smoking and taking regular exercise) lived, on average, more than five years longer than those with unhealthy lifestyles.


Health Benefits - Vitamins and Minerals in Chestnuts | Healthism

The best part is that they are free of any cholesterol and are almost fat-free. They are also gluten-free. They have a white and crispy flesh and small, rounded corms that can also be eaten raw. Water chestnuts are a popular ingredient in the Chinese cuisine. This article comes up with some amazing health benefits of water chestnuts.Interestingly, chestnut trees can live up to five hundred years, but usually do not begin to produce fruit until they are forty years old.


10 Ways Soft Drinks May Affect Your Health | Healthism

But have we ever thought what goes into these drinks. I believe not, neither have I to be honest. But when all of a sudden my tooth started decaying my fears were confirmed. It was in fact the consumption of these soft drinks and coke. Following are some points on how your health is affected. These sure opened my eyes, before any permanent damage.


Memory Worries | 5 Signs Your Memory Problems Are Serious |

Almost all of us of a certain age -- say, anywhere north of 40 -- worry at some point about memory glitches. No wonder. Our brains begin to deteriorate by our late 20s. But some memory troubles are signs that there may be something more seriously amiss than normal aging.


Multivitamins May Reduce Men's Total Cancer Risk

Men who take a daily multivitamin over the long term may help reduce their risk of cancer, a large new U.S. study concludes.


Get Up. Get Out. Don't Sit. -

Along with questions about general health, disease status, exercise regimens, smoking, diet and so on, the survey asked respondents how many hours per day in the previous week they had spent sitting in front of the television.


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