A Closer Look at Volatility

A Closer Look at VolatĀ­ilĀ­ity
ComĀ­binĀ­ing Low Beta & CycĀ­licĀ­al Strategies

by AlĀ­fred Lee, CFA, CMT, DMS
Vice PresĀ­idĀ­ent & InĀ­vestĀ­ment Strategist, BMO ETĀ­Fs & GlobĀ­al StrucĀ­tured InĀ­vestĀ­ments
BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment

March 2, 2012
ReĀ­cent DeĀ­velĀ­opĀ­ments:

  • Equity marĀ­ket volatĀ­ilĀ­ity, as inĀ­dicĀ­ated by the CBOE/S&P ImĀ­plied VolatĀ­ilĀ­ity InĀ­dex (VIX), has steadĀ­ily deĀ­clined since early OcĀ­toĀ­ber of 2011. More surĀ­prisĀ­ingly, there have been fewĀ­er inĀ­traĀ­day gaps in the tradĀ­ing of the VIX, sugĀ­gestĀ­ing the VIX has been sigĀ­niĀ­ficĀ­antly less reĀ­actĀ­ive to negĀ­atĀ­ive headĀ­lines (Chart A). CurĀ­rently the VIX is tradĀ­ing at 18.43, a fair amount beĀ­low its long-term avĀ­erĀ­age of roughly 20.
  • As the VIX is ofĀ­ten used to gauge the nervousĀ­ness of inĀ­vestors, its reĀ­cent low readĀ­ings inĀ­dicĀ­ates a norĀ­malĀ­izĀ­aĀ­tion of the marĀ­ket. DesĀ­pite a second round bailĀ­out for Greece, betĀ­ter liĀ­quidĀ­ity in the EuroĀ­zone due to the European CentĀ­ral Bankā€™s (ECB), Long-term ReĀ­finĀ­anĀ­cing OpĀ­erĀ­aĀ­tion (LTRO) and its swap agreeĀ­ment with five othĀ­er centĀ­ral banks, sigĀ­niĀ­ficĀ­ant risk items reĀ­main to sugĀ­gest that the low level of the VIX is not jusĀ­tiĀ­fied. InĀ­vestors should also keep in mind that volatĀ­ilĀ­ity has a tendĀ­ency to reĀ­vert to its mean.
  • Though the risk rally could very well conĀ­tinĀ­ue givĀ­en the second tranche of the LTRO, a closer look at the VIX shows that it has likely botĀ­tomed. Moreover, measĀ­ures of the VIX show that its downĀ­side moĀ­mentum has abated.

PoĀ­tenĀ­tial InĀ­vestĀ­ment OpĀ­porĀ­tunĀ­ity:

  • Should volatĀ­ilĀ­ity sudĀ­denly inĀ­crease, inĀ­vestors may want to conĀ­sider the BMO Low VolatĀ­ilĀ­ity CaĀ­naĀ­dian Equity ETF (ZLB), which is an efĀ­fiĀ­cient way for inĀ­vestors to acĀ­cess CaĀ­naĀ­dian equitĀ­ies at a lower volatĀ­ilĀ­ity than the S&P/TSX ComĀ­posĀ­ite InĀ­dex (TSX). This ETF can be utilĀ­ized as a core poĀ­sĀ­iĀ­tion, as part of an inĀ­vestorā€™s long-term straĀ­tegic asĀ­set alĀ­locĀ­aĀ­tion. InĀ­vestors should also note that low beta stocks have hisĀ­torĀ­icĀ­ally outĀ­perĀ­formed the marĀ­ket over the long-term. However, since there are periĀ­ods when highĀ­er beta equitĀ­ies outĀ­perĀ­form the marĀ­ket, a more cycĀ­licĀ­al oriĀ­ented poĀ­sĀ­iĀ­tion can be tacĀ­ticĀ­ally comĀ­bined with ZLB to poĀ­tenĀ­tially genĀ­erĀ­ate alĀ­pha in the portĀ­foĀ­lio.
  • Provided that the year to date rally in risk asĀ­sets conĀ­tinĀ­ues and reĀ­cent comĀ­ments by U.S. FedĀ­erĀ­al ReĀ­serve chairĀ­man Ben Bernanke did not spook the marĀ­ket, inĀ­vestors may want to tacĀ­ticĀ­ally roĀ­tate a limĀ­ited porĀ­tion of their portĀ­foĀ­lio to some highĀ­er beta areas. This weekā€™s anĀ­nounceĀ­ment of anĀ­othĀ­er ā‚¬529.5B (US$712.8B) comĀ­mitĀ­ment in the second tranche of the LTRO could poĀ­tenĀ­tially exĀ­tend the reĀ­cent rally, providĀ­ing a furĀ­ther tail wind. InĀ­vestors that are inĀ­terĀ­ested in tacĀ­ticĀ­ally inĀ­creasĀ­ing the beta in their portĀ­foĀ­lio, may want to conĀ­sider our BMO S&P/TSX Equal Weight GlobĀ­al Base Metals InĀ­dex ETF (ZMT).
  • Since the anĀ­nounceĀ­ment of the first tranche of the LTRO back on DecemĀ­ber 21, ZMT has gained 10.4% on a total reĀ­turn basis, comĀ­pared to the total reĀ­turn of 8.1% of the S&P/TSX ComĀ­posĀ­ite InĀ­dex endĀ­ing FebĀ­ruĀ­ary 29, 2012 (Chart B). FurĀ­therĀ­more, copĀ­per inĀ­ventĀ­orĀ­ies, tracked by the LonĀ­don Metals ExĀ­change (LME), reĀ­main at more than two year lows, due to a lack of minĀ­ing activĀ­ity in 2011 (Chart C). Chinaā€™s reĀ­cent move to lower its bankā€™s ReĀ­serve ReĀ­quireĀ­ment RaĀ­tios (RRR) could also poĀ­tenĀ­tially provide furĀ­ther upĀ­side moĀ­mentum in base metĀ­al equitĀ­ies. However, givĀ­en the many risk items reĀ­mainĀ­ing on a macro-ecoĀ­nomĀ­ic level, the inĀ­creasĀ­ing sensĀ­itĀ­ivĀ­ity in the VIX and with no furĀ­ther stimĀ­uĀ­latĀ­ive measĀ­ures in place, inĀ­vestors should also conĀ­sider imĀ­pleĀ­mentĀ­ing risk manĀ­ageĀ­ment strategies. TrailĀ­ing stop-loss orĀ­ders alĀ­low inĀ­vestors to limĀ­it their downĀ­side and risk could be furĀ­ther conĀ­trolled through smalĀ­ler alĀ­locĀ­aĀ­tions to these areas, which tend to be more sensĀ­itĀ­ive to poĀ­tenĀ­tial wanĀ­ing inĀ­vestor opĀ­timĀ­ism.

Chart A: The ā€œVIXā€ Looks to Have BotĀ­tomed

The ā€œVIXā€ Looks to Have Bottomed
Source: BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc., StockCharts.com

Chart B: ZMT has OutĀ­perĀ­formed the TSX Since the AnĀ­nounceĀ­ment of LTRO

ZMT has Outperformed the TSX Since the Announcement of LTRO
Source: BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc., Bloomberg,

Chart C: CopĀ­per InĀ­ventĀ­orĀ­ies Tracked by LME are at More Than Two Year Lows

Copper Inventories Tracked by LME are at More Than Two Year Lows
Source: BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc., Bloomberg

*All prices as of marĀ­ket close FebĀ­ruĀ­ary 29, 2011 unĀ­less othĀ­erĀ­wise inĀ­dicĀ­ated.

StandĀ­ard & Poorā€™sĀ® and S&PĀ® are reĀ­gistered tradeĀ­marks of StandĀ­ard & Poorā€™s FinĀ­anĀ­cial SerĀ­vices LLC (ā€œS&Pā€) and ā€œTSXā€ is a tradeĀ­mark of Toronto Stock ExĀ­change. These tradeĀ­marks have been liĀ­censed for use by BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc. BMO S&P/TSX Equal Weight GlobĀ­al Base Metals Hedged to CAD InĀ­dex ET is not sponsored, enĀ­dorsed, sold or proĀ­moted by S&P or Toronto Stock ExĀ­change, and S&P and Toronto Stock ExĀ­change make no repĀ­resĀ­entĀ­aĀ­tion, warĀ­ranty or conĀ­diĀ­tion reĀ­gardĀ­ing the adĀ­visĀ­abĀ­ilĀ­ity of buyĀ­ing, selling or holdĀ­ing units/shares in the BMO S&P/TSX Equal Weight GlobĀ­al Base Metals Hedged to CAD InĀ­dex ETF.

BMO S&P/TSX Equal Weight GlobĀ­al Base Metals InĀ­dex ETF (ZMT), one year reĀ­turn: 5.96% and since inĀ­cepĀ­tion reĀ­turn: -23.38% (InĀ­cepĀ­tion date: OcĀ­toĀ­ber 20, 2009).

InĀ­formĀ­aĀ­tion, opinĀ­ions and statĀ­istĀ­icĀ­al data conĀ­tained in this reĀ­port were obĀ­tained or deĀ­rived from sources deemed to be reĀ­liĀ­able, but BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc. does not repĀ­resĀ­ent that any such inĀ­formĀ­aĀ­tion, opinĀ­ion or statĀ­istĀ­icĀ­al data is acĀ­curĀ­ate or comĀ­plete and they should not be reĀ­lied upon as such. ParĀ­ticĀ­uĀ­lar inĀ­vestĀ­ments and/or tradĀ­ing strategies should be evalĀ­uĀ­ated reĀ­lĀ­atĀ­ive to each inĀ­diĀ­viduĀ­alā€™s cirĀ­cumĀ­stances. InĀ­diĀ­viduĀ­als should seek the adĀ­vice of proĀ­fesĀ­sionĀ­als, as apĀ­proĀ­priĀ­ate, reĀ­gardĀ­ing any parĀ­ticĀ­uĀ­lar inĀ­vestĀ­ment.

BMO ETĀ­Fs are manĀ­aged and adĀ­minĀ­istered by BMO AsĀ­set ManĀ­ageĀ­ment Inc, an inĀ­vestĀ­ment fund and portĀ­foĀ­lio manĀ­ager and sepĀ­arĀ­ate legĀ­al enĀ­tity from the Bank of Montreal. The inĀ­dicĀ­ated rates of reĀ­turn are the hisĀ­torĀ­icĀ­al anĀ­nuĀ­al comĀ­pound total reĀ­turns inĀ­cludĀ­ing changes in prices and reĀ­inĀ­vestĀ­ment of all disĀ­triĀ­buĀ­tions and do not take inĀ­to acĀ­count comĀ­misĀ­sion charges or inĀ­come taxes payĀ­able by any unit holdĀ­er that would have reĀ­duced reĀ­turns. ComĀ­misĀ­sions, manĀ­ageĀ­ment fees and exĀ­penses all may be asĀ­soĀ­ciĀ­ated with inĀ­vestĀ­ments in exĀ­change-traded funds. Please read the proĀ­spectĀ­us beĀ­fore inĀ­vestĀ­ing. The funds are not guarĀ­anĀ­teed, their value changes freĀ­quently and past perĀ­formĀ­ance may not be reĀ­peated

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