Grandma dancing it up to LMFAO
Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an amazing weekend!
Bad Baby Name Leads To Insecurity, Less Education, More Smoking
According to research conducted by European dating website eDarling, a poorly chosen baby name can lead to lower self-esteem, fewer relationship opportunities, higher likelihood of smoking and less education later in life.
Is low vitamin D making your teeth hurt?
Dr. Wright: One of the major signs of vitamin D deficiency is bone pain, technically referred to as osteomalacia. And it's important to remember that teeth are bones too. So sensitive, aching, or throbbing teeth that can't be explained by a dental cause might be a sign you need more vitamin D.
Brain Decline Begins at 45, Study Shows |
The brain begins to decline much earlier than previously thought, with new research showing memory, reasoning and comprehension skills can deteriorate from the age of 45.
40 Extraordinary Things Happening Right Now
Right now is a phenomenon. Right now extraordinary things are happening.
Right now…
10 Signs That You're Addicted To Your Cell Phone | Complex
In addition to addictions to drugs, sex, and money, which have ruined bodies, hearts, and bank accounts, people have been known to catch addictions to all sorts of odd things—dirt, ice, and plastic surgery. So who says that addictions to cell phones aren’t real? Our Blackberrys, Droid devices, and iPhones are such big parts of our lives that we often become physically and mentally dependent on them. And just like other addicts, we’re so caught up in our unhealthy relationships that we have no idea how real that fixation is. Don’t worry: COMPLEX has your back. Keep reading to see ten ways to know you’re addicted to your phone.
The price of peanut butter is going up
Exactly how much more expensive is peanut butter going to be? Well, we're not talking peanuts here. The estimate ranges between a 25 and 40 percent peanut butter price increase. Ouch.
Triskaidekaphobic? Don't walk under a ladder this Friday
Some people will refuse to leave their homes; a few will not even venture out of bed. They are among the millions of people who believe Friday the 13th is unlucky. As many as one in four are believed to subscribe to the superstition, according to research.
Tips on how to live longer and better |
It's not just your physical health you should attend to, either. Maintaining connections with friends, family and coworkers -- especially people who give you a sense of purpose — can make a big difference. So while Sudoku is a good call, it's no substitute for getting out of the house and engaging with others. A happy marriage can also help you live longer, especially if you're a man. And if you're a worrier, it's okay; recent research indicates that excessive worriers might outlive their freewheeling peers — possibly because worrying makes people more conscientious.
The trick to beating the effects of the coldest season? Help lock in moisture to the dermis while still letting the skin breathe. There are also a couple of general wellness tricks that help keep skin supple, like staying active and using cooler water to bathe. For more skin myths -- and a few better remedies to replace them with -- click through below.
8 Bad Drivers Nobody Complains About (Part 2) |
For most of us, there is nothing complex about predicting that collision course, as the semi has probably been chugging along at 50 for the past three hours or so, and we have a sophisticated set of range-finding devices called eyes that can tell us that from a good quarter mile away.
Bacon roll a day linked to most lethal of cancers
The finding adds to evidence from earlier studies that processed meat – including ham, bacon and sausages – increases the incidence of cancer of the bowel. Pancreatic cancer affects only one in 77 men and one in 79 women during their lifetime. But it has among the poorest survival rates of any cancer with almost 95 per cent of patients dying within five years.
Aspirin a day may not be so good for heart
But the study, based on data from nine clinical trials involving more than 100,000 participants, found that long-term use of aspirin can lead to stomach ulcers and internal bleeding.