How to Get Rid of Stress, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a splendid weekend!

9 Healthy Summer Habits To Transition Into Fall

But they don't have to! Here are some warm-weather tips that you should stick with all fall.


Amy D. Shojai, CABC: 3 Ways Your Pet Can Help You Heal

They keep us connected to the world and other pet lovers, and offer a purpose to get out of bed in the morning. People who wouldn't go to the store for themselves will make the effort to get dog food or kitty litter.


Wray Herbert: You Can Spot a Future Bully at Age 1, Research Shows

Infants don't really have what it takes to be bullies. They simply lack the physicality -- the strength and coordination and mobility -- to be aggressive. But are some of these babies already little bullies inside, just waiting to show their dukes?


Darell Hammond: Play Is Under Attack in Our Schools: 7 Absurd Stories That Say It All

Play is under attack in our nation's schools -- and shrinking recess periods are only part of the problem. Homework is increasing. Cities are building new schools without playgrounds. Safety concerns are prompting bans of tag, soccer, and even running on the schoolyard.


Balancing Your pH: The Acid Alkaline Diet

Urine, blood and sweat will transfer acids out as they are produced, but these mechanisms can become overloaded fairly easily. When acid levels exceed the elimination capacity, the overage gets stored in tissues, and then they interfere with enzymatic reactions, inflammation, and demineralization.


These Drugs Poison Your Bones

Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, Actonel…these medications are supposed to help stop you from getting bone fractures as you get older. But we now have evidence that they cause bone breaks.


Make a Date with Chili Pepper

You've mentioned that cayenne pepper is very healing for the stomach and can prevent ulcers. How can that be? I thought chili pepper would burn a hole in your gut faster than you could say, "hot chili pepper." Not so?


Smoking Influences Crohn's Disease - Effect Seen On Location, Severity Of The Disease In The Gastrointestinal Tract

"In patients who smoke, Crohn's disease tends to appear more frequently in the small intestine, rather than the colon," says study author Dr. Marian Aldhous. "Our data shows that when Crohn's disease is located here, it tends to cause more penetrating or obstructive damage, which would have to be treated by surgery."


7 Common Stress Scenarios - Solved

Here's how he suggest we proceed when that freak out happens: "While situations are unique, the thoughts that provoke stress tend to fall into the same three buckets: This shouldn't be happening. That shouldn't have happened; and I know something terrible will occur. All negative emotions come from beliefs like these." Bernstein says.


Best Superfoods for Women of Every Age

Kale is a superfood loaded with calcium as well as vitamins and other nutrients (like all dark leafy green vegetables). Women are still building up to their peak bone mass stores in their 20s and 30s, and calcium is the key building block. You are still able to build up stores in your 20s and 30s. Building strong bones early in life helps prevent osteoporosis and allows for increased mobility later in life.


How Often Should Men Get A Physical, And What, Exactly, Should A Physical Entail?

Answer: Well, there is no consensus recommendations as to how often men should obtain regular physical exams. Typically, I bring men back before the age of 40 every 3 to 5 years, between 40 and 50 every other year, and after age 50 every year.


7 Free Ways To Get Better Skin

It's true that the best things in life are free. You don't need a million bucks to feel (and look!) like a million bucks. There is so much you can do without spending an exorbitant amount of money, or time. In fact, a lot of what you can do right away costs close to nothing, including adopting these habits, some of which can create new neuronal pathways in your body.

How to Get Rid of Stress

THE FIX Don't be so damned conscientious at work. A Canadian study of 2,737 employees found that when people thought their poor job performance could seriously impact their coworkers, company, or environment, their job stress increased. Workers who didn't see their jobs as careers were less likely to report stress. The lesson: Take a day off. The company won't go under if you're AWOL for 9 hours.


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