Here are this weekend's reads. Wishing you Happy Holidays with your family!
The 4 worst foods you can eat - Improve your diet by limiting your consumption of four of the worst foods you can eat
14 habits for happier mornings
14 habits for happier mornings - If you're like many people, the start of the day isn't your favourite time. Here are 14 habits you can sneak into your routine without much effort
Unitasking Meets Dog World: Walk WITH Your Dog When You Walk With Your Dog
The nerve of our dogs, having their own agenda when we're out trying to get some walking done! For many of us, walking with our dogs is a struggle of excess: too much stopping when we want to go, too much going when we want to stop, too much jumping on people, too much pulling, etc. In this article we're going to talk about how to cure the struggle, which is actually simpler than you might think – because it's all about your focus and expectations when you're walking together. After all, it should be a time for you and your dog to be on the hunt together, taking in the smells of the neighborhood (or park, or woods, or wherever) and enjoying your experience of the world in all its stimulating-your-emotions glory.
Movie roles that stars turned down
Movie roles that stars turned down
How to raise a grateful child
During the holidays, most families take the time to formally acknowledge the abundance in their lives -- the love, security and material comforts. But why stop there?
Let's Bring Back: The Holiday Season Edition
It seems that Americans have always been nostalgic around the winter holidays. Just look at the lyrics of Irving Berlin's iconic song, White Christmas, written around seventy years ago:
Hanukkah Sufganiot
Looking for a holiday treat? Then try sufganiot, a jelly donut perfect for Hanukkah—or any other holiday that falls this month.
Money : Secrets for Well-Funded Wills
Writing your will is about as enjoyable as listening to someone scratch their nails along a chalkboard. But are you aware of what could happen you don't?