26547 posts
Inflation is Tomorrow's End-game
There seems to be a fair amount of knee-jerk enthusiasm about inflation and inflationary assets, though according to…
How are the BRICs Doing?
Highlighted below are two charts from Bespoke Investment Group detailing the relative performance of the BRIC Markets (Brazil,…
Hendry: Not Yet Time to Invest in Inflationary Assets
Hugh Hendry, CIO, Eclectica Asset Management, appeared on CNBC, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 and shared his contrarian views…
Why Play is Vital - No Matter Your Age
Make sure you watch this highly enlightening video about the vitality of all forms of play, of recreation.…
WSJ: Deleveraging - it’s not over till it’s over
The following is from the Wall Street Journal, March 11, 2009. “Deleveraging has more to go. Just how…
David Swensen: How to Sleep Soundly
Yale's Alumni Magazine for March/April 2009, features Marc Gunther's interview with Yale Endowment's Super-Investor, David Swensen, and details…
Technical Talk: S&P 500 up against resistance levels
The comments below were provided by Kevin Lane of Fusion IQ. Back to where we started … As…
Sideline Money Relative to Market Capitalization at Record Levels
The following charts are real eye-openers. By now, its no secret, its been widely reported, that there are…
Meredith Whitney: Credit Cards the Next Credit Crunch
Meredith Whitney, CEO, Meredith Whitney Advisory Group, fomerly of Oppenheimer, appeared on CNBC yesterday afternoon to discuss Citigroup's…
Crispin Odey: Steer Clear of Defensives
Crispin Odey, Founder and Managing Director, Odey Asset Management, whom we featured last week, a well known and…
Prem Watsa: 2008 Letter to Shareholders
Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial, one of Canada's most successful investors, and often compared to Warren…
Oil About Nordic American Tankers (NAT)
Back in November, we recalled overhearing the interview with Herbjorn Hannson, CEO, and his report on the earnings…
The Man Who Knew
Harry Markopolos blew the whistle to the Securities and Exchange Commission about Bernard Madoff as early as 2000.…
Yamada Sees 44% of NYSE Stocks Under $10 as `Shocking'
This may seem as yet another gloomy outlook for US Stocks and for that matter stocks in general,…
Richard Russell: Technical Signal Re-confirms Bear
Richard Russell, Dow Theory Letters, points out that yet another important technical signal has re-confirmed that we are…