Interest Rates
977 posts
When Rising Rates Hurt Stocks, How Bad Did It Get?
by Chris Marx, AllianceBernstein By Chris Marx and Alison Martier A reader of our recent blog post about…
Preparing Equity Portfolios for Rising Rates
by Russ Koesterich, Chief Global Strategist, Blackrock While Russ doesn’t foresee a bond market meltdown, he does expect…
The Economy and Bond Market Radar (August 19, 2013)
The Economy and Bond Market Radar (August 19, 2013) Treasury yields moved sharply higher this week as both…
Taper Tantrum Two?
by Jeff Rosenberg, Blackrock iShares The buzz surrounding the upcoming Federal Reserve meeting is centered on two questions:…
Guest Post: The Ghost Of Inflation Future
by Brigitte Granville, originally posted at Project Syndicate, With all of the problems afflicting the world economy nowadays,…
The Economy and Bond Market Radar (August 12, 2013)
The Economy and Bond Market Radar (August 12, 2013) Treasury yields moved modestly lower this week as global…
This Rate Cycle Is Different, but Stocks Should Still Do Well
by Chris Marx, AllianceBernstein By Chris Marx and Alison Martier Stocks have generally performed very well in rising-rate…
Rising Rates? Keep the Tips, Leave the Duration
by Greg Wilensky, AllianceBernstein Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) have been popular in recent years with investors worried about inflation,…
Eric Sprott: The Detroit Template
by Eric Sprott and Étienne Bordeleau, Sprott Asset Management On July 18 2013, the city of Detroit officially…
Equity Market Sentiment is Reaching Extremes
by The Short Side of Long Weekend Sentiment Summary (July Week 4) Equities Sorry for a bit of…
Liz Ann Sonders: Drifting…but for How Long?
July 26, 2013 by Liz Ann Sonders, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Strategist, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.…
Is It “The Great Rotation” Or “Bad Behavior”
by Lance Roberts, CEO, StreetTalk Advisors There has been a significant number of articles written since the beginning…
The Economy and Bond Market Radar (July 29, 2013)
The Economy and Bond Market (July 29, 2013) The treasury market sold off modestly this week as yields…
Investors Running Out Of Cash Available For Investments
by David Templeton, Horan Capital Advisors With investors being paid virtually zero percent interest on money market cash…
A One-Pillar Economy
by Scott Minerd, CIO, Guggenheim Partners LLC July 24 2013 Despite blockbuster new home sales, higher interest rates…