by Michael Contopoulos, Director of Fixed Income, Richard Bernstein Advisors As we begin 2025, there are striking similarities…
Narrow markets are the exception, not the rule
by Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors 2023/24 was the narrowest market since 1998/99. The Nifty 50 period of…
Certainties for an uncertain world
by Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors There is one word to use as investors enter 2025: uncertainty. Of…
Emphasize value as investors increasingly throw caution to the wind
by Richard Bernstein Advisors Financial plans map out a strategic course to meet an investor’s goals and cash…
The Morning After: "Ten Quick Investment Thoughts"
by Richard Bernstein Advisors As we have done in the past after a Presidential election, here are ten…
Navigating the tight policy, loose liquidity paradox
by Dan Suzuki, CFA, Deputy CIO, Richard Bernstein Advisors Tight Fed policy doesn't always equate to tight liquidity…
Charts for the beach 2024
by Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors Because there is unprecedented use of the word “unprecedented,” we thought it…
Does value matter anymore?
by Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors Valuation is the core of every economic transaction, yet equity investors seem…
Is it time to be max-bullish?
by Dan Suzuki, CFA, Deputy CIO, Richard Bernstein Advisors Investors must separate allocation from selection The distinction between…
Something's gotta give
by Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors Financial cycles repeat and current speculation that “this time is different” is…
US Industrial Renaissance: It’s a matter of national security
by Richard Bernstein Advisors The massive US trade deficit amid accelerating deglobalization provides a powerful investment theme. US…
How to avoid another lost decade in equities
by Richard Bernstein Advisors The current speculative environment seems to increasingly resemble the Technology Bubble of 1999/2000. Leadership…