Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your enjoyment. Have a great weekend!
A Marriage With or Without Children, Which One Is Happiest?
The decision whether or not to have children is a major life-choice that should be given top priority.
Daily Dose: Omega-3
It's omega-3 - and it's time you got to know the daily dose that's good for just about every single part of your body.
History of the Neck Tie
No other thing in the wardrobe of a man has changed as compared to neck ties. In 1960’s and early 70’s ties grew 5 inches in width and then fat ties came into fashion
Cherry Pie
Cherry Pie Recipe
Understanding the First Phase of Disease in Dogs and Cats
The whole idea of "good" and "bad" really relates to how a particular thing affects the biological system at a precise moment in time. A state of health comes from approaching or possessing "good" things while removing, reducing or escaping "bad" things. Health also involves the exchange of these good things and bad things.
Vitamin B6 may lessen lung cancer risk
The European study of nearly 520,000 adults showed those with above-average blood levels of vitamin B6 as well as an amino acid called methionine were at lower risk of lung cancer.
Sign at World Cup: Refrain From Blowing Vuvuzelas
Has anyone at the 2010 World Cup paid attention to this?
Tea 'healthier' drink than water
Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.
Why Do We Care What Others Think? Our Addiction To The Opinions Of Others Explained
Approval from others gives us a sense of higher self-esteem. We're convinced that their recognition matters to our self worth and how deeply we value ourselves.
The word "fun" has its origin in the word "fool." Erasmus, that witty, theology-inclined philosopher of Renaissance Europe, claimed that life is worth living because of its foolishness.