How To Be Happy,
and other Weekend Reads

Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your enjoyment.

Happiness is one of life's most elusive accomplishments, not to mention subjects. In a word, its fleeting. Many of us never get to that place long enough, because we are constantly in pursuit of happiness. Few know the secret that its actually a decision; a decision that you can make, whenever you're ready. Decide to be happy.

Have a great weekend!

Mood Elevators: 5 Natural Ways to Uplift Your Mood

For some people the feeling of gloominess or depression is due to neuro-chemical or hormonal imbalance and for others it's the daily stress or upsetting events that wear down one's emotional reserves.

5 Tips on Avoiding a Nervous Breakdown

Over-extended? Can't seem to catch up? Always tired? Deadlines past and deadlines approaching? Endless list of things to catch up on? Left your macbook at security at JFK?

Treating Crohn’s Disease

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, then you may be a little anxious to find out how your condition can be treated. As you learn more about Crohn’s disease, the next step is finding out about treatment options.

Mouth Health: The Non-Surgical Face-Lift

Today I'm going to tell you about a fairly new "look younger / better" procedure that is simple, available to almost anyone, and will improve your appearance markedly, regardless of your age.

What Happens When You Find the One...And He's Nothing—Nothing—Like You Expected?

This is a love story. Like every other. And like no other. This is a story about how one day I believed certain things about myself and the next day I realized, knew the way you know a good nectarine, that I had been wrong.

How to Be Happy: Why You Should Never Settle for 'Good Enough' in Your Life

'Good enough' and happiness are not a good mix.

10 most dangerous foods to eat behind the wheel

Drive-through, fast-food restaurants have taught Americans how to steer with their knees. But downing tacos and coffee while driving can be more life threatening than shark hunting without a boat

Study: Added sugar, not just fat, bad for cholesterol

Worried about your cholesterol? You may need to cut back on your sugar intake, a new study suggests.

Brain Games Don't Make You Smarter

In a six-week study, experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive skills didn't get any smarter.

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (PHOTOS, RECIPE)

When I first became Vegan I couldn't understand why some Vegan desserts tasted so darn awful. They just never tasted as moist or as rich or - honestly - as good. I had yet to find the perfect Vegan dessert that would replace the chocolate-y void that haunted my newly Vegan soul.

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