10 Insanely Nice Things You Can Say to Anybody, and Other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an awesome weekend!

8 Important Coffee Questions, Answered | Reader's Digest

You may guzzle coffee every day, but do you know how exactly it affects your health? Experts weigh in on the role coffee plays in weight loss, disease, and more.



5 Ways to Find Beauty in Painful Life Changes

Stepping onto a brand new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation that no longer fits, or no longer exists.



Happy Mother's Day 2015 Quotes: Best 15 Sayings For Stepmoms

12. Family means a lot...especially when it's filled with someone as special as you! Happy Mother's Day!



7 Reasons To Include Eggs In Your Breakfast

Eggs are full of protein and good fats which makes them a perfect breakfast choice



How yogurt, lemons and curry could help you fight hayfever - Telegraph

People who suffer from hayfever lack bioflavonoids, an antioxidant which helps to keep your eyes healthy. Bioflavonoids are usually found in foods high in vitamin C such as lemons and raspberries.



Spring Holidays | How To & Instructions | Martha Stewart

Breakfast never looked so elegant. These crepes are lined with Black Forest ham, with a sunny-side-up egg peeking out of each.



6 causes of lower back pain and how to fix them without painkillers

Eat foods that are natural anti-inflammatories. Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, such as oily fish are especially recommended. Other hugely beneficial foods are leafy green vegetables, red/blue berries, nuts and seeds, turmeric, ginger and garlic.



10 Insanely Nice Things You Can Say to Anybody

Columnist Leigh Newman weighs in on the tiny but enormously kind things you can say that may change a person's day—and (sometimes) even their way of looking at themselves.



Top 5 Vitamin Essentials | The Dr. Oz Show

Mom was onto something when she told you to drink your milk: Calcium helps keep our bones and teeth strong. Our muscles, blood vessels and nervous systems also need calcium to function correctly.



Is eating fish good for your brain? | Alzheimers and Dementia Blog

If eating fish every week meant you wouldn’t get Alzheimer’s in twenty years would you do it? For some of us the answer is “Heck, yes!” Unfortunately, it’s not totally clear how much a role our diet plays in the risk of developing dementia.



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