Do Dividends Make Up 90% of Total Stock Returns?

by Eddy Elfenbein, Crossing Wall Street

When I was heading up to Maine recently, I stopped at a diner in New Jersey and was eating a chili dog when I got an email from blog-sensei Barry Ritholtz. Barry wanted my take on a factoid mentioned in Forbes. Specifically, the magazine wrote:

Hereā€™s a jaw-dropper: Over the past 100 years, dividends were responsible for 90% of U.S. stock returns, says money manager BlackRock.

Barry was skeptical and I could see why. The conventional view is that half of returns have come from dividends. Nowadays, there are a lot of companies that donā€™t even pay a dividend. Even dividend payers retain a large portion of their earnings. So how could dividends be responsible for nearly all of stock returns?

I saw in the email chain that Barry had contacted the folks at Forbes and they provided him three items of documentation; a research piece from BlackRock, a research item from GMO and a section of Daniel Perisā€™ book ā€œThe Strategic Dividend Investor.ā€ Forbes said they decided to use BlackRock for attribution.

I looked at all three sources and each one repeated the same claimā€”that dividends account for 90% of U.S. stock returns. The BlackRock and GMO items merely repeated the fact, but Peris was the only one who explained where the 90% number came from.

This is either one of the most remarkable discoveries in the history of finance, or something is wrong. Wellā€¦Iā€™ve looked into it and I can safely report that something is offā€”dividends havenā€™t accounted for 90% of stock returns.

The hitch is that the claim is that 90% of returns are derived from dividends, not specifically dividends themselves. This is a bit of logical sleight-of-hand. The problem is that this sleight-of-hand doesnā€™t reveal any important truths. Instead, it makes a point which is ultimately irrelevant.

Iā€™ll show you what I mean, or rather, what they mean.

Letā€™s take a stock that at the beginning of the year pays a 5% dividend. During the year, the dividend is increased by 10%. Letā€™s say that the stock also rises by 10% during the year. Well, Paris et al claim that the 10% stock rise is derived by the dividend payment since the shares are merely keeping up with the dividend. Ergo, the return derived from dividends is the 5% dividend plus the 10% stock increase. In other words, all of the stockā€™s returns (15% out of 15%) are derived from dividends.

Simple, right?

Erā€¦not exactly. The problem is that if youā€™re claiming that any stock increase thatā€™s commensurate with a dividend increase is ā€œderived from dividends,ā€ youā€™re ironically not saying anything about what dividends really do. Iā€™m not saying that the point is wrong. Itā€™s worse. Itā€™s taken so far from a logical foundation that itā€™s meaningless.

Letā€™s take the same example I just used, but instead letā€™s say our stock pays a 0.001% dividend at the beginning of the year. The dividend is again increased by 10% during the year, and the shares also rise by 10%. Once again, according to their logic, we can say that all of the stockā€™s gain is derived from dividends. Of course, any investor would clearly understand that dividends played almost no role in their gains for that year.

(Using this same logic, I suppose we could extend this example even further by saying that a stock that pays no dividend has all of its return derived from its dividend. Iā€™m not being sarcasticā€”that exactly what this logic implies.)

The fact is that we should expect stocks to gain as much as dividends. Using this ā€œderivedā€ context is a too-cute way of claiming everything for dividends. All the 90% number tells us is that dividend growth has lagged share price growth over the past several decades. Thatā€™s all it means and nothing else.

Wellā€¦so what? Thatā€™s a well-understood fact. Dividend payout ratios arenā€™t what they used to be.

If the phenomenon had gone the other way and payout ratios had steadily climbed over the years, this logic would say that over 100% of stock returns have been derived from dividends.

Barry was correct. This factoid is of little use to investors.

Let me also add that from what Iā€™ve seen of Parisā€™ book, it looks to be a sound book on investing. Iā€™m merely objecting to the logic used in this one instance.

Posted by on June 13th, 2011 at 9:40 am


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