MarketWatch: “Goldman Conspiracy” - Bogle’s “pathological mutation?”'s Paul Farrell contributes the following commentary on John Bogle's (retired Founder, CEO, Vanguard) description that today's Wall Street is the 'Happy Conspiracy,' and Hank Paulson, the 'Dillinger' of the era leading the conspiracy to rob 300-million Americans, all in his new book, The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism.

“No, it’ll be a blockbuster because we get a chance to cheer for a new dark antihero, the infamous Depression era gangster, machine-gun-toting John Dillinger: Cheer because this new Dillinger is doing what we all secretly want to do - rip off our corrupt banking system, turn the tables on the guys who have been ripping us off for too long.

“Dillinger must be the guy former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt had in mind when he told Fortune: ‘America’s investors have been ripped off as massively as a bank being held up by a guy with a gun and a mask.’ That was the last recession. Today, it’s a heck of a lot worse in the ‘Great Recession’: Bad banks, financial weapons of mass destruction, AK-47 derivatives.

“Yes, this time the banks are the gangsters. They’re robbing Main Street’s Treasury. And it’s an inside job. Hank Paulson, the ‘Goldman Conspiracy’s’ Trojan Horse, plays a ‘Dillinger’, leading a much bigger conspiracy, the ‘Happy Conspiracy’, that robbed America’s 300 million citizens and taxpayers. They made off with trillions, while our ‘guards’, a clueless Congress, laid down their guns and surrendered the keys to the vault.

“The ‘Happy Conspiracy?’ Yes, that’s what Vanguard founder Jack Bogle calls Wall Street in his bestseller, ‘The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism’. He sees Wall Street as a ‘pathological mutation’ of capitalism. Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ no longer drives ‘capitalism in a healthy, positive direction’. Instead, Bogle sees the invisible hands of this elite ‘Happy Conspiracy’ running capitalism to serve its own selfish, greedy agenda.

“‘Over the past century, a gradual move from owners’ capitalism - providing the lion’s share of the rewards of investment to those who put up the money and risk their own capital - has culminated in an extreme version of managers’ capitalism - providing vastly disproportionate rewards to those whom we have trusted to manage our enterprises in the interest of their owners.’

“Today, the ‘Goldman Conspiracy’ is the visible hand of Bogle’s invisible ‘Happy Conspiracy’ that’s ‘ripping us off as massively as a bank being held up by a guy with a gun and a mask’. Except today: No masks, no guns. Congress just writes blank checks.

“The plot’s so hot we read all 1,243 comments, emails and links to related Web sites, such as, that were posted on our earlier discussion of this topic.

“What emerged has the makings of what may be the next mega-successful long-running television series.”

Click here for the full article.

Source: Paul Farrell, Investment Postcards

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