Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an awesome weekend!
Has Climate Change Increased Seasonal Allergies?
Most common outdoor allergens, like tree pollen, grass pollen and mold, increase in production when temperatures and humidity are high. Ragweed levels in particular also go up with higher concentrations of atmospheric CO2 -- the "greenhouse gas" causing all the trouble with global climate change.
Can Celery Keep Your Brain In Shape?
Luteolin, similar to quercetin, is a flavonoid, which means it fights the aging process in all our cells, and is associated with lowered risk of developing cancer and heart disease. In the brain, flavonoids protect cells from the aging process by reducing inflammation. Research has also been conducted involving luteolin and other neurological diseases, including diabetic neuropathy and multiple sclerosis; however, more research is needed. Luteolin is found in most leaves, which means it's abundant in many herbs including parsley, celery, perilla leaves, chamomile tea, rosemary, oregano as well as olive oil, carrots and peppermint.
To learn about some healthy bedtime snacks that will also help you sleep better, keep reading!
Should I Take a Calcium Supplement? | Eating Well
Scientists reported that postmenopausal women who took calcium supplements increased their risk of heart attack by 25 to 30 percent and stroke by 15 to 20 percent.
7 Foods to Keep You Young | Eating Well
Can you add years to your life by making smarter food choices? Yes! There are many variables involved in how long you live, but by following a healthy lifestyle, staying active and eating a nutrient-packed diet, you can help slow the aging process and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.
88 Ways To Make A Stranger Smile
Let your guard down. Talk to someone you don't know straight from your heart. Compliment them. Don't anticipate awkwardness. Just be you in that beautiful way only you know and give them the chance to smile and connect with you.
Crohn's Disease - When To Call a Doctor -
If you have any of these symptoms and you have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, your condition may have become significantly worse. Some of these symptoms also may be signs of toxic megacolon, a rare complication of Crohn's disease that requires emergency treatment. Untreated toxic megacolon can cause the colon to leak or rupture, which can be fatal.
Smile Research and Facts - Different Types of Smiles -
So much more than than a pair of upturned lips, the smile is the most scientifically studied human facial expression. In her new book, Lip Service, Yale psychology professor Marianne LaFrance, PhD, draws on the latest research—in fields from biology to anthropology to computer science—in an effort to shed some light on the happy face. Here, six facts that may make you, well, you know.
Best And Worst Ways To Hydrate Your Summer Workout
We spoke to top nutritionists to find out the best and worst ways to hydrate if you're planning on outdoor exercise. Of course, the number one choice is plain water -- our experts recommend aiming for 20 ounces two hours before a workout --but if you're looking to mix things up a bit, here are some good options, along with some ones to avoid
14 Ways To Build A Healthier Breakfast
Breakfast fans also tend to eat fewer calories over the course of a day and aren't as prone to wild swings in blood sugar, which often push people to nosh carb-rich, high-fat foods like cookies and pizza
Dental: Bacteria passed from children to parents can increase child's risk of cavities -
Cavities are more complex than we thought. Sugar is still the leading culprit — and genetics, diet, immunity, susceptibility, oral hygiene and fluoride exposure play roles — but a large and growing body of research suggests that oral decay is also an infectious disease.
Coconut Water Health Claims Not Supported, Study Says
Coconut water -- a clear liquid extracted from green coconuts -- is increasingly touted as an electrolyte-packed, natural alternative to sports drinks. But according to, a product testing company, only one major brand actually lives up to that billing.
7 ways to help prevent UTI - Infection - Body & Health
Other UTI symptoms may accompany burning, urgent urination: cloudy urine, pain or pressure in the areas of the pelvis and lower abdomen or back, and a low-grade fever. In most cases, a UTI is caused by a type of bacteria called E. coli. The bacteria normally live in the digestive tract but can cause infection if they make their way into the urinary tract. A woman may be more vulnerable to UTIs because her urethra (the tube connecting the bladder to the outside of the body) is shorter than a man's. Children can also get UTIs
You Docs: How fibre makes you live longer -
Chew more, live longer. It's almost that simple, as long as what you're chewing is (no, not bubble gum) fibre. Think strawberries, nuts, sweet potatoes and asparagus. Just eating more of those and foods like them can lengthen your life and make you thinner and healthier.
How to Spot a Narcissist | Psychology Today
Narcissism tends to peak in adolescence and decline with age. Psychologist Frederick Stinson and his colleagues conducted face-to-face interviews with 34,653 adults and found that men are more narcissistic than women across the lifespan. Male and female narcissists both share a marked need for attention, the propensity to manipulate, and a keen interest in charming the other sex. This bent is so strong that some psychologists, including Jonason and graduate student Nicholas Holtzman of Washington University in St. Louis, argue that narcissism may have evolved as a strategy to secure sexual partners in the short-term. The ways in which narcissists of both genders pursue their quarry reinforces this possibility.