by Jeffrey Kleintop, CFAĀ® Managing Director, Chief Global Investment Strategist, Michelle Gibley, & Heather O'Leary, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Policy changes at the Bank of Japan could potentially reverse capital flows, shift global yields higher, contribute to a stronger yen, and increase the value of Japanese stocks.
End of an era?
Japan yield curve control range and yen and the 10 year yield

Source: Charles Schwab, Macrobond, data as of 11/5/2023.
- Upward pressure on bond yields in other developed countries, including the United States.
- An increase in the value of the yen supported by rising short-term rate expectations in Japan compared with the United States and other major countries.
- Gains in Japanese stocks as capital returns to Japan.
Why now?
Japan's inflation and target

Source: Charles Schwab, Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Macrobond, data as of 11/3/2023.
Japan seems to be pursuing contradicting goals: the BOJ is buying bonds in an effort to contain bond yields, which makes the yen less attractive, while the Ministry of Finance is at times buying yen to keep the currency from weakening too rapidly. These conflicting policies seem costly and unsustainable. We believe at some point next year the BOJ may need to allow higher bond yields and raise policy rates.
Market response
The fact that currencies tend to move on differences in inflation-adjusted, or real yields, not nominal yields seems to be the logical reason for this move in exchange rates. Since the BOJ raised its inflation outlook at the same time it ended its unlimited purchases, inflation pressures weighed on both the real yield and the yen.
What's next?
The rise in real yields in the U.S. has outpaced Japan in recent months

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg data as of 11/5/2023.
Real yields = 10 year yield less core CPI.Ā Past performance in no guarantee of future results.
If changes in BOJ policy lead to higher real yields and yen appreciation, Japan's net capital outflows could turn into sizeable inflows. For decades, Japanese institutional and individual investors have borrowed at low rates in Japan to invest at higher rates elsewhere, in what is called the yen carry trade. In addition, Japanese investors are the biggest non-U.S. investors in U.S. Treasuries and among the top five in ownership of non-Japanese stocks. Decades of current account surpluses have accumulated, giving Japan the world's largest net international investment position (even more than China) with $3.3 trillion of investments held abroad according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Although the U.S. has the largest economic influence in the world, Japan may have the largest influence in the asset markets due to these account surpluses. Should the BOJ begin to substantially tighten monetary policy, the potential for a reversal of decades of outward flow of capital may be felt by investors worldwide.
Net international investment position by country

Source: Charles Schwab, International Monetary Fund, Bloomberg data as of 11/5/2023.
- Yen - The market may anticipate a higher BOJ policy rate next year while the U.S. Fed is anticipated to cut rates, leading to a narrowing of the spread in short term rates which would favor the yen. The reversal of hedging costs in US dollars, euros, Australia dollars and other currencies could fuel a sharp reversal in exchange rates with the Japanese yen.
- Bonds - Japan holds over $1.1 trillion of U.S. Treasuries, as well as U.S. corporate debt, and large amounts of European, U.K. and Australian government and corporate debt. Any tightening of BOJ policy may put upward pressure on global bond yields to be balanced against other influences.
- Stocks ā We wrote this past summer about how Japan's stock market has been strong and off the radar screens of many investors (Japan: Reclaiming Lost Decades). Japan's Nikkei 225 Index has strongly outpaced the U.S.'s S&P 500 so far this year with a gain of 22.4% in yen. Due to the yen weakness, the return measured in U.S. dollars is a mere 7.5%. Stabilization or strength in the yen could make Japanese stocks even more attractive to foreign investors. Domestically, households and most of corporate Japan are underweight domestic stocks relative to historical levels and may reallocate repatriated capital into Japanese equities.
We expect the BOJ to begin to tighten policy next year. The interest rate futures market is pricing in the first 25bps rate hike by the July 31 meeting, but the market and pace of inflation could prompt swifter action. The currency, bond and stocks markets may begin to anticipate what may seem like an increasingly inevitable move and start to price in the potential impacts. With smaller moves towards unwinding QE, the BOJ has tended to surprise markets causing market volatility across asset classes and countries. A bigger unwind in the Bank of Japan's policy may have a bigger impact.