by Schwab Portfolio Management
While staying the course may be hard on your nerves, it can be healthier for your portfolio. An extreme downturn in the market can shake your confidence, but resisting the urge to flinch can pay off. To demonstrate, we'll look at how three hypothetical investorsāthe Stalwart, the Reactor, and the Wafflerārespond to the market over the course of 40 years.Ā
Same beginning, different endings
They start investing at age 26, saving 10% of their annual salaries. Initially, they're all aggressiveāwith portfolios comprising 50% large-cap stocks, 25% international stocks, 20% small-cap stocks, 5% cashāand then shift into increasingly conservative allocations over time.
Forty years later, despite their shared origin stories, our investors' portfolios differ in size by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why? As we'll see below, how they reacted to bad markets pretty much determined their destiny. (Spoiler alert: The person who reacted the least ended up gaining the most.)
Wealth accumulated, 1983ā2022

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research with data provided by Morningstar, Inc.
The example is hypothetical and provided for illustrative purposes only. The asset allocation plan performance is the weighted averages of the performances of the indexes used to represent each asset class in the plans, and the plans are rebalanced annually. Fees and expenses would lower returns. Using the same methodology, had a saver stayed invested over four decades in a fund that tracks the S&P 500Ā® index, which is all equities, they would have experienced greater volatility and had an ending wealth of $1.46 million. However, a portfolio comprised 100% equities is not in conjunction with our point of view, which is a diversified portfolio.
The Stalwart
The Waffler
Then, if the market was up after two years, the Waffler reinvested in a portfolio suitable for his age. This strategy resulted in an ending balance of $437,418, cutting his potential growth by more than 44%.
The Reactor
He continued to put 10% of his salary in 3-month Treasury bills with hopes of recouping some of his losses. But at the end of 40 years, he only managed to save $357,535, cutting his potential earnings by almost 55%.
Bottom line
A better approach would be to make a plan you can stick to no matter what the market's doing. You can absolutely modify those plans as your goals or situation change, but such adjustments should occur without the influence of any temporary gut feelings. Otherwise, the consequences could be with you for life.