by Liz Ann Sonders and Kevin Gordon, Charles Schwab & Company Ltd.
Will anything tempt the Federal Reserve from its aggressive course on interest rates?
The odds aren't good.
Economic growth is slowing, and signals from abroad suggest more sluggish conditions may soon be upon us. For now, though, the Fed sees plenty of reasons to keep tightening.
U.S. stocks and economy: Dynamic inflation
High turnover, high wages

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Wage growth as of 8/31/2022. Quits rate as of 7/31/2022. Atlanta Fed's Wage Growth Tracker is a measure of the nominal wage growth of individuals.
Inflation's bite out of growth

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 7/31/2022.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
The S&P 500's forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio has collapsed this year (though it remains elevated relative to its longer-term average, as well as to levels seen during prior bear market lows). Conversely, the S&P 500's forward earnings yield is still trading comfortably above the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield and is far from its most overvalued level in history (seen during the height of the tech bubble in the early 2000s).
Expensive or cheap?

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 8/31/2022.
SentimenTrader's Smart Money Confidence and Dumb Money Confidence Indexes are used to see what the "good" market timers are doing with their money compared to what the "bad" market timers are doing and are presented on a scale of 0% to 100%. When the Smart Money Confidence Index is at 100%, it means that those most correct on market direction are 100% confident of a rising market. When it is at 0%, it means good market timers are 0% confident in a rally. The Dumb Money Confidence Index works in the opposite manner.
Fixed income: Inflation is easing but the Fed is not
Markets are pricing in a peak by early next year

Source: Bloomberg.
Note: Data is the short-term interest rate targeted by the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) as part of its monetary policy. Federal Funds Target Rate - Upper Bound (FDTR Index), using monthly data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Two-year/Ten-year Treasury yield curve

Source: Bloomberg.
Note: Rates represent the Market Matrix U.S. Generic spread rates (USYC2Y10). This spread is a calculated Bloomberg yield spread that replicates selling the current 2 year U.S. Treasury Note and buying the current 10 year U.S. Treasury Note, then factoring the differences by 100. Market Matrix US Sell 2 Year & Buy 10 Year Bond Yield Spread (USCY2Y10 INDEX). Daily data as of 9/12/2022.
Watching wages and expectations
Wage growth shows some signs of stabilization

Source: Bloomberg, using monthly data as of 8/31/2022.
US Average Hourly Earnings All Employees Total Private Yearly Percent Change SA (AHE YOY% Index).
NY Fed survey of three-year inflation expectations have fallen

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Monthly data as of 8/31/2022.
Forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only, may be based upon proprietary research and are developed through analysis of historical public data. 2Q22 GDP for Japan is the Bloomberg consensus forecast (preliminary GDP data to be released on 8/14).
Global stocks and economy: Recession may have arrived
The percentage of economies with PMIs above 50 has fallen sharply

Source: Charles Schwab, Macrobond, data as of 9/7/2022.
U.S. Breakeven 10 Year (USGGBE10 Index) and U.S. Breakeven 5 Year (USGGBE05 Index). Daily data as of 7/13/2022 The breakeven rate is the difference between the TIPS rate and the comparable-maturity Treasury rate, and is used as a gauge for what market participants believe inflation will be five or 10 years in the future.
A coming "earnings recession?"

Source: Charles Schwab, S&P Global, MSCI, Macrobond data as of 9/8/2022.
Forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only, may be based upon proprietary research and are developed through analysis of historical public data.
Energy accounts for about 1% of the operating expenses of many global companies, according to an analysis of such businesses' income statements. Raw materials can account for about 60% of total costs for more resource-dependent firms. In more labor-intensive services businesses, wages and benefits can make up 70-90% of costs.
Input prices continue to fall

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, data as of 9/7/2022.