by Liz Ann Sonders and Kevin Gordon, Charles Schwab & Company Ltd.
- Consumers' strength and confidence being tested by inflation (especially on the goods side of the economy)
- Rise in labor force participation
- Rolling over in profit margins
- Federal Reserve's tapering to pick up speed
- Carnage in narratives-driven and speculation-hyped market segments
- Earnings becoming "less hot"
- Quality-oriented factors will be relative outperformers
- Households' elevated equity exposure bodes ill for equity performance
- Elevated optimistic sentiment to act as a contrarian signal
- Indexes to "catch down" to 2021's under-the-surface weakness
- Higher intra-market correlations and greater tail risks
Let's start with a quick update on market weakness so far in 2022. Unlike last yearâwhen index declines were muted, but churn/weakness under the surface was more pronouncedâthis year so far has brought much more weakness at the index level (with underlying churn still extreme). This is shown in our crowd-favorite drawdowns table below.

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 5/27/2022.
Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Some members excluded from year-to-date return columns given additions to indices were after January 2022.
Spec areas under pressure

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 5/27/2022.
Goldman Sachs (GS) non-profitable technology basket consists of non-profitable U.S.-listed companies in innovative industries. Technology is defined quite broadly to include new economy companies across GICS industry groupings. Goldman Sachs (GS) retail favorites basket consists of U.S. listed equities that are popularly traded on retail brokerage platforms. Goldman Sachs (GS) most-shorted basket contains the 50 highest short interest names in the Russell 3000; names have a market cap greater than $1 billion. ISPAC Index is a passive rules-based index that tracks the performance of the newly listed Special Purpose Acquisitions Corporations ("SPACs") ex- warrant and initial public offerings derived from SPACs since August 1, 2017. The Meme Index is constructed by Bloomberg and contains 37 stocks that are considered actively traded and/or discussed among day-traders, retail investors, and chatrooms. Individual stocks shown for informational purposes only. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Soft or hard landing?
Drags from net exports/inventories

Source: Charles Schwab, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, as of 5/27/2022.
Forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only, may be based upon proprietary research and are developed through analysis of historical public data.
No longer spoon(Fed)
Liquidity tidal wave

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, as of 4/30/2022.
M2 is a measure of the U.S. money stock that includes M1 (currency and coins held by the non-bank public, checkable deposits, and travelers' checks) plus savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts), small time deposits under $100,000, and shares in retail money market mutual funds.
The chief reason for the Fed's aggressive posture is undoubtedly the hotter inflationary environment. The most acute pressures have come from the goods side of the economyâcourtesy of the forced, rapid shift in spending habits during the pandemic and reeling supply chains. Services inflation has also started to move up in a more sustained manner, as shown below.
Passing the baton

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 4/30/2022.
- Services components of inflation metrics like the Consumer Price Index (CPI) command a heavier weight than goods components; thus, a sustained increase keeps headline inflation at a more elevated level.
- A significant reduction in goods inflation may result in a continued compression of (mainly goods-oriented) companies' profit margins.
- Any hit to margins and (subsequently) profits may slow wage growth to a swift degree, ultimately leading to a slower recovery in labor force participation.
Reducing supply of demand
Not building confidence

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Leuthold Group, University of Michigan (UMich).
CPI as of 4/30/2022. Consumer sentiment as of 5/31/2022.
If consumer confidence remains persistently dour, we think that housing demand destruction may kick in sooner rather than later, effectively bringing down rental costs. Mortgage payments have soared this year, as shown below, while the backlog of unsold homes has risen for four consecutive months. In fact, the increase in the backlog from 6.9 months to 9.0 months was a two standard-deviation move. There has never been an inventory backlog of nine months or more without a recession near or underway (hat tip to David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research).
Mortgage pain

Save less, borrow more

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg.
Revolving credit as of 3/31/2022. Personal savings rate as of 4/30/2022.
No confidence
Can't see the future?

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, The Conference Board, as of 5/31/2022.
Longer-term, we remain very optimistic about the investment/capital spending side of the economy, regardless of the likely near-term softness. However, near-term, companies are likely to keep spending/investment in check until the macro backdrop improves.
CEO confidence has imploded

Source: Charles Schwab, The Conference Board
Measure of CEO ConfidenceTM in collaboration with The Business Council, as of 2Q2022.
No easy task
Conditions no longer easy

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 4/30/2022.
Goldman Sachs (GS) Financial Conditions Index (FCI) is defined as a weighted average of riskless interest rates, the exchange rate, equity valuations, and credit spreads, with weights that correspond to the direct impact of each variable on GDP.
Another risk of reining in inflation is the implicit reduction in companies' profit margins, which are highly correlated with headline inflation metrics like CPI. Several goods-oriented companies have already started to cite headwinds, if not already seeing large hits to margins as inventories have soared. Any significant and persistent reduction in margin growth would likely lead to a bit of a vicious circle of weaker profits, slower wage growth, reduced hiring, and eventual layoffs. Unfortunately, we have already started to see some wobbling in the labor market, as initial jobless claims turned higher in March and job cuts are now rising year-over-year for the first time since the beginning of 2021, as shown below.
Job cuts return

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 4/30/2022.
Finally, on the economy, a recent Domash and Summers paper detailed the fact that, historically (since 1955), when the average quarterly inflation rate rose to above 5%, the probability of a recession over the subsequent two years was more than 60%. Over the same span, when the unemployment rate dropped below 4% the probability of recession over the subsequent two years was about 70%. Combining the two, there has never been a quarter with average inflation above 4% and the unemployment rate below 5% that was not followed by recession within the subsequent two years.
Don't fight the Fed
Earnings revisions hook back up

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 5/27/2022.
Revisions index measures the number of equity analyst revisions upgrades (positive) and downgrades (negative).
Forward P/E vs. EPS

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 5/27/2022.
Forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only, may be based upon proprietary research and are developed through analysis of historical public data.
Earnings' trajectory matters

Source: Charles Schwab, I/B/E/S data from Refinitiv, as of 5/27/2022.
4Q08's reading of -67% is truncated at -40%, 4Q09's reading of 206% is truncated at 80%, and 2Q21's reading of 96% is truncated at 60%. Forecasts contained herein are for illustrative purposes only, may be based upon proprietary research and are developed through analysis of historical public data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Bear market rallies
Ideally, we want to see a very elevated percentage of stocks rallying together to feel more confident, although a couple of shorter-term breadth indicatorsâbased on stocks above their 10-day moving averages and five-day advancers vs. declinersâboth gave short-term bullish signals last week.
Major indexes' breadth

Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg, as of 5/27/2022.
Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Bright spot potentially on horizon
What's interesting is the spread between what investors (and/or consumers) are saying and what they're doing. The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index peaked in April of 2021 and is now at levels not seen in more than a decade. On the other hand, AAII's April survey about its members' asset allocation showed nearly 70% was allocated to equitiesâjust shy of the 71.4% high-water mark this cycle from November 2021. The data is shown below, courtesy of Ned Davis Research. Even though the two surveys are measuring different groups and asking different questions, they have tracked each other closely over timeâuntil a year ago. History suggests the divergence is unlikely to persist. Near-term, we would expect the allocation to equities to catch down to the more dour sentiment about the economy.
Main Street vs. Wall Street

Source: Charles Schwab, American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), FactSet, ©Copyright 2022 Ned Davis Research, Inc.
(Further distribution prohibited without prior permission. All Rights Reserved. See NDR Disclaimer at For data vendor disclaimers refer to, University of Michigan (UMich). Consumer sentiment as of 5/31/2022. Equity allocation as of 4/30/2022.

Source: Charles Schwab, American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), FactSet, ©Copyright 2022 Ned Davis Research, Inc.
(Further distribution prohibited without prior permission. All Rights Reserved. See NDR Disclaimer at For data vendor disclaimers refer to, University of Michigan (UMich). Consumer sentiment as of 5/31/2022. Equity allocation as of 4/30/2022.
The Confidence Spread recently reached the upper decile of historical (since 2000) readings. Historically, when the spread crossed above 63% for the first time in three months, the forward returns for the S&P 500 were generally strongâespecially over the subsequent two months. It suggests a further rebound could be in the offing near-term.
Smart money more optimistic

Source: Charles Schwab, SentimenTrader, as of 5/27/2022.
SentimenTrader's Smart Money Confidence and Dumb Money Confidence Indexes are used to see what the "good" market timers are doing with their money compared to what the "bad" market timers are doing and are presented on a scale of 0% to 100%. When the Smart Money Confidence Index is at 100%, it means that those most correct on market direction are 100% confident of a rising market. When it is at 0%, it means good market timers are 0% confident in a rally. The Dumb Money Confidence Index works in the opposite manner.
In sum
We are looking for better news on the inflation front before expecting the Fed to consider a breather in terms of rate hikes. We are also looking for stronger market breadthâincluding a high percentage of stocks moving higher together. In the meantime, this is not a market likely to reward excessive risk-taking and we continue to recommend adhering to the disciplines of diversification (across and within asset classes) as well as the power of periodic rebalancing (which forces investors to add low and/or trim high).
We continue to recommend that stock-picking-oriented investors focus more on factors than sector or traditional-style indexes. Given high inflation, rising short rates, and weakening growth outlooks, factors we believe will continue to perform better in relative terms are strong free cash flow, healthy (cash-rich, low-debt) balance sheets, positive earnings revisions, and low volatility. Lastly, when markets become more volatile and weakness takes over from strength, we always remind investors that panic is not an investing strategy.