Ep 79 Pt. 2 Annamaria Testani – Reframing and Defining Your Value as an Advisor

Part 2: Reframing and Defining Your Value as an Advisor

As an advisor you're operating in a field along with thousands of your competitor peers. The investment industry is becoming increasingly commoditized in terms of its offerings of solutions. Setting yourself apart from the field has always been a significant challenge you've had to overcome. So, how can you set yourself apart, how do you differentiate your offering, today, to be successfully competitive?

In the next segment, part 2 of 3, Annamaria describes how problematic our unconfirmed biases are, and how they get in the way of being able to have highly productive conversations with your prospective and existing clients, and how you can consciously identify and set aside your personal biases, as well as understand your clients', so that you may become a more objective and more valued participant in your client conversations. People yearn to feel deeply understood. Annamaria discusses a universal method for eliciting the highest-value feedback you can get whether its from your clients or those dearest to you.

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