Finnish schools are doing something right.Video: Fatherly
Posted by AdvisorAnalyst Group on Thursday, December 10, 2015
5 reasons Finnish schools are cooler (and more effective) than ours, and other Weekend Reads
by Helen Lamanna,
Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an excellent weekend!
8 Simple Ways to Beat Holiday Stress | Reader's Digest
With shopping, meal planning, running around town for holiday errands, and worries over money, the holidays have their own special kind of stressors. Here are eight simple ways to relieve holiday stress.
How Much Caffeine Can I Have Per Day? 5 Shots Of Espresso Is A-OK, Says The EFSA | Bustle
In fact, there have been numerous studies that say people who drink moderate amounts of coffee are less likely to develop certain illnesses like cardiovascular disease and stroke than people who didn't drink coffee at all. In fact, earlier this year a new study conducted by researchers at the Imperial College of London found that women who drank three cups of coffee per day lowered their risk of cancer by 19 percent compared to those who drank less than a cup per day.
The Do's and Don'ts of the Office Secret Santa
Keep in mind people have holiday budgets and might not have counted in office gifts. Oldham recommends a price limit of $25. "It's not too small where you're just getting someone a junk gift and it's not too large where it might put someone out of their budget,” says Oldham.
Why We Stopped Drinking Coffee Creamer
Trans fats are created in a lab. Manufacturers take an oil (palm, kernal, soybean, corn or coconut oil), inject it with a metal (nickel, platinum or aluminum) and this causes the molecules of the oil to rearrange themselves.
How Coffee Can Make You Live Longer | Men's Health
Keep the coffee flowing: People who drink more java may live longer, new research from Harvard suggests.
Colonoscopy Facts | Prevention
Clear liquids are your friend.
Supplements, Vitamins to Take in Your 50s, 60s and 70s - AARP Ever...
Vitamin B12: Even a mild vitamin B12 deficiency may put older adults at risk for dementia, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. But stomach acid, which is required for the body to absorb vitamin B12 from food, begins to decline during your 50s, so the Institute of Medicine recommends getting your B12 levels checked and supplementing if necessary. Recommended dose: 2.4 micrograms daily.
It's Always The Quiet Ones: People Who Talk Less Really Are Smarter
The people who are the most intelligent are actually the ones you'd least expect to be smart. They patiently wait for other people to say what they need to say. They choose to open their ears rather than their mouths.