2015 Has Three Friday the 13ths, and other Weekend Reads

2015 Has Three Friday the 13ths, and other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an excellent weekend!

10 Foods That May Benefit Your Brain Better Than Antidepressants | One Green Planet

The problem with antidepressants is that sometimes, they can produce too much of one or the other causing an imbalance, and many of them come with side effects that alter long-term health such as weight gain, reduced gut function, mood disorders, emotional numbness, and some many even make depression worse.


Moffitt Cancer Center: Cancer Fighting Foods

Increasing fruits and vegetables can lead to better health along with a feeling of satisfaction.


Best and Worst Drinks for Crohn's Disease - Crohn's Disease Center - Everyday Health

” The high amount of caffeine in coffee can aggravate certain unpleasant Crohn's symptoms. “Coffee is okay in small amounts, but it tends to loosen stools and increase frequency of diarrhea,” says Jeffry A. Katz, MD, medical director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland.


Why Drinking Too Much Water Can Be Harmful To Your Health

If you force large amounts of water into your system over a short period of time, your kidneys will struggle to eliminate enough water from your system to keep the overall amount at a safe level.


How sleep deprivation affects your body

A head-to-toe look at the hits your body takes when you forfeit those precious zzzs.


7 Bar Snacks You Can Eat All Night and Not Get Fat | Eat Clean

Crunchy garbanzos tossed with olive oil, spices, and salt are delicious and addictive like potato chips. But because they're lower in calories and higher in protein and fiber, they're infinitely better for you.


12 Things You Should Never Stop Doing

Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Don't give up and don't give in. Your life isn't behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is always right here, right now. Seize it!


10 Reasons Why Night Owls Are Smarter People

Are you a night owl? Most people have heard the phrase ‘the early bird gets the worm', but various studies have actually shown that night owls may be smarter.


11 Ways to Be Productive When You Don't Get Enough Sleep

When you're dehydrated, say from too much coffee, you becomes sluggish, causing you to be less productive. By replacing a bit of coffee with water (or Propel or G2) you're enabling yourself to be more lively, which makes you more productive.


2015 has three Friday the 13ths. What are the odds? | Human World | EarthSky

November 13, 2015 presents the third of three Friday the 13ths in 2015. Here's the story behind 2015's trio of Friday the 13ths.



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