The Quiet Rituals that Make Us Remarkably Successful, and other Weekend Reads

The Quiet Rituals that Make Us Remarkably Successful, and other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna,

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an excellent weekend!

The Quiet Rituals that Make Us Remarkably Successful

Make today count ā€“ at the end of it, let there be no explanations, no excuses and no regrets.


17 Small Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier and Healthier Tomorrow

A 14-year study found that men whose diets were highest in fruits and vegetables had a 70 percent lower risk of digestive-tract cancers.


5 Health Problems Dogs and Humans Have in Common

You and your pets ā€“ both dogs and cats ā€“ can share can share many major diseases, including cancer and heart disease.


Vital Probiotics That Boost Your Brainpower

The balance of "good bacteria" in the gut has been tied to a host of physical health benefits ā€“ including a lower risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and immune-system disorders.


Cold Showers vs. Hot Showers: The Health Benefits of Both | POPSUGAR Fitness

Cold showers ā€“ as unbearable as they are ā€“ are actually really good for our bodies! Turning your shower cold for the last five minutes can help "shock" your body awake. This instant change in temperature relieves your body of fatigue and increases your mental alertness.


Simple Remedy to Ease Migraine Headache Pain - The People's Pharmacy

Some people like to stop a migraine by eating ice cream (see demo by clicking on this link) or drinking ice water. Others prefer heat over cold and reach for hot, spicy soup.


quiet rituals that make us

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