25 Quotes that will quiet the negative voice in your head, and other weekend reads

25 Quotes that will quiet the negative voice in your head, and other weekend reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

25 Quotes that Will Quiet the Negative Voice in Your Head

The most underrated character trait of all successful people I've ever met: Positivity

quiet the negative voice


Clues About a Cough | When a Cough Isn't 'Just a Cough' | Caring.com

When a Cough Isn't 'Just a Cough'


10 foods to boost your brainpower | BBC Good Food

Eating well is good for your mental as well as your physical health. The brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscles do. But which foods are particularly important to keep our grey matter happy?


The health benefits of... strawberries | BBC Good Food

The vibrant red colour of strawberries is due to large amounts of anthocyanidin, which also means they contain powerful antioxidants and are thought to protect against inflammation, cancer and heart disease.


Older men's health | nidirect

If you're a man over 50, health issues like prostate problems, heart disease and bladder cancer can be of particular concern.


Older women's health | nidirect

If you're a woman over 50, diseases like breast cancer or health issues like the menopause can be of particular concern. By being well informed, you'll have a better sense of how to take care and protect yourself.


What The Color of Your Urine Says About Your Health | IFLScience

Red, green, yellow, blue ā€“ urine comes in a variety of shades and hues, but peeing different colors of the rainbow is not always healthy. That's why it is good to know what your urine says about your health.


Brain Health Now and for the Long Run | Beth Israel Deaconess - WCVB Home

If you ask people what is it about aging that concerns them most, you'll likely hear a lot about financial security and heart disease, but increasingly, worries about brain health and cognitive decline are right up there in importance. And it's not just seniors.


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