75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Out for a Run, and other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enligtenment. Have an excellent weekend!

16 Alarming Airline Secrets That Will Change How You Feel About Flying

Previously, we've had minor freak-outs upon learning that people habitually steal airplane lifejackets and the flight crew will refill your water bottle if you ask. But have you ever wondered if pilots stay awake the whole flight, or if anyone's touched your complimentary pillow before? [Spoiler alert: LOTS of people have.]


14 Best And Worst Foods For Your Teeth

When it comes to healthy teeth, we're all familiar with the basics: brush two times a day, try to floss at least once a day and visit your dentist for a check-up every six months.


25 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On

The needless drama around you. ā€“ Be wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you. Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.


Can Beet Juice Instantly Improve Your Endurance? | ACTIVE

Beet juice and nitrates have been gaining more and more attention for their ability to improve athletic performance and reduce blood pressure. It's been well documented for some time now that a diet rich in vegetables can improve cardiovascular health, due to high nitrate content. While all vegetables contain some nitrates, they are more abundant in beets, leafy greens, spinach, celery, endives, fennel, arugula (rocket or rucola), leeks and parsley.


Why you should try bulletproof coffee | The Living Well Blog

Butter coffee, also known as bulletproof coffee, is a cup of joe combined with a medium-chain triglyceride like coconut oil, butter or heavy cream. Athletes like it because it gives you a boost and your body can readily use the fat as fuel if you drink it before a morning workout.


How to get healthy: 20 simple changes - Canadian Living

Make these twenty small changes to your routine to get healthy the easier way.


Vegetarians Are Less Healthy Than Meat Eaters And More Prone To Allergies And Cancer Says Study

Despite leading healthier lifestyles and drinking less than meat eaters, a study has revealed that vegetarians are less healthy and happier on average.


How to not sweat the small stuff | BrighterLife.ca

From the mundane to the insane, it is often the little things about our jobs that drive us crazy and put a crimp in our day or a cramp in our style.


75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Out For A Run

ā€œI donā€™t even like running.ā€


Young and fit? You'll be old and sharp, study finds - TODAY.com

Itā€™s known that exercise can boost brain power, but Jacobs and colleagues correlated fitness directly with thinking skills later in life ā€” right down to how many minutes people can last doing a punishing treadmill exercise.


'What?!' Will Ferrell gets schooled on healthy eating by Michelle Obama, little kids - TODAY.com

Will Ferrell is dead serious about eating healthy and getting enough exercise.


What Your Table Manners Reveal About You | Psychology Today

The Way You Eat Says a Lot about Who You Are


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