by Helen Lamanna,
Funny notes: 21 amazing kids' notes that will make your day
We all know kids say the darndest things. Well, it turns out they write the darndest things, too. And not only to their parents! We found 21 funny notes, all written by kids, that are guaranteed to make you smile.
Dealing with Difficult People - Getting Along With Others -
In case you're wondering how to play well with others, we have a few ideas.
How To Stop a Cold | How To Stop a Cold Before it Starts
Why we get colds -- and how to prevent them
8 Lies Your Doctor Tells You | Men's Health
Phrases to be wary of at your next appointment
Effects of Soda: Heart Health | Women's Health News Blog: Latest Health Headlines and Tips to Stay Healthy
As if you needed another reason to kick this bad habit, new research indicates it may harm your ticker
How to Beat Exhaustion | Women's Health News Blog: Latest Health Headlines and Tips to Stay Healthy
Your work could be zapping your energy⌠but not in the way you think
What is narcissistic personality disorder? - Medical News Today
A symptom is something that the patient feels and describes, such as anger, pain, or dizziness, while a sign is something everybody, including the nurse or doctor, can see, such as a rash or swelling.
Fish Oil Levels Linked With Bigger Brains For Women
They found that women with significantly higher levels of the two fatty acids in their red blood cells also tended to have larger brains, and larger hippocampuses, the part of the brain associated with forming memories.
Marijuana vs. Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health? | LiveScience
The debate over whether alcohol or marijuana is worse for health has been reignited by comments President Barack Obama made in a recent interview. Here's a look at what science has to say.
The Benefits of Raw Grilled Zucchini
Eat grilled zucchini as a source of magnesium.
My doctor says I have diabetes â now what? |
Image of a man who has been recently diagnosed with diabetes and is considering his options.A diagnosis of diabetes is definitely nothing to shrug at, so youâre right to be concerned. But there are also many useful, trustworthy resources available that will help you understand whatâs happening to your body and equip you to manage your diabetes for the best possible outcome.
Sandwich generation: Are you feeling squeezed? |
Are you caught in the middle, juggling the care of aging parents and your own children along with a full-time job? If youâre a member of the sandwich generation, your stress level may be high.
5 Things to Naturally Boost Your Memory | Reader's Digest
Your mind is sort of like a muscle. The more you use it, the better your memory. In addition to giving your grey matter some exercise, here are five other memory-boosting home remedies.