8 Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong, and other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a super weekend!

Chinese New Year 2014 Horse: What Does Your Zodiac Animal Mean?

The year of the horse means there is leadership associated with this sign this year, so your authority may increase, according to Ng. However, the impulsive behaviour of the horse can lead to recklessness, so stay away from gambling and speculations.


You may not have heard of "the peanut butter test," but it could become a fantastically low-cost and non-invasive way to test for Alzheimer's. After all, what's less invasive than asking someone to smell some delicious peanut butter?


How much do you need to save to retire? | BrighterLife.ca

A couple is planning for their retirement fund.ā€œFears of a retirement crisis are overblown in Canada,ā€ said Vettese, Morneau Shepellā€™s chief actuary. He and I spoke on Monday. ā€œIā€™m not telling people they shouldnā€™t be saving for retirement. Iā€™m saying they shouldnā€™t be going overboard and depriving themselves too much of a decent lifestyle during their working life.ā€


Seven reasons to love living in Canada | BrighterLife.ca

The findings will surprise some, given our 7.2% national unemployment rate, 14.5% youth unemployment rate and economic growth projections that remain soft in the short term.


46 reasons to uncover your food sensitivities | Migraine Centre

This may surprise you, but eight common foods ā€“ milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, soy, wheat and shellfish ā€“ cause 90 percent of all food allergies. Chances are, half of those items make common appearances in your daily diet. They could, however, be jacking up your cortisol, decreasing your immune strength, and keeping you from achieving your wellness (and weight loss!) goals.


8 Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you. When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow.


Why You're Tired - Causes of Fatigue - Oprah.com

Located at the base of your neckā€”and barely larger than the knot in a bow tieā€”the thyroid gland controls your body's metabolic speed by producing the hormones T4 and T3. If it churns out too littleā€”as may happen in 12 to 15 percent of women at midlifeā€”"all the processes in your body slow down," says Alan Farwell, MD, chairman of patient education and advocacy for the American Thyroid Association. The result: decreased endurance and a sluggish mind.


Dr. Oz Weight Loss Advice - Oprah.com

To gain major health rewards, shed the weight around your middle with this two-part plan.


20 Unusual Uses for Coconut Oil - ICTMN.com

1. Healthy gumsā€” Use coconut oil to ā€œoil pullā€ toxins out of your mouth and improve your dental health. Just swish around a spoonful of the oil for at least 10 minutes. Spit the oil out in the toilet (it has a lot of toxins and germs in it now) and brush your teeth. Do once a day or several times a week for optimal results.

The Male Midlife Crisis

The male midlife crisis is often made fun of, but for many men it is a distressing experience.


Is your blood pressure healthy? - Live Well - NHS Choices

High blood pressure increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but there are things you can do to lower your blood pressure.


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