The 13 Habits We Just Can't Give Up, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Hello, wonderful weekend!

by Helen Lamanna,

Oil Of Oregano Benefits: 11 Things To Know About Oregano Oil

Stuffed up? You may find some relief by adding a couple drops of oregano oil to a diffuser or vapourizer and inhaling for a few minutes. Drinking a few drops of oil in juice or water may also provide some relief from a sore throat.


Inflammation is the Fuse that Ignites Cancer

Uncovering and treating the cause of inflammation, rather than just treating the symptoms, is an important key when fighting cancer or chronic disease. To get to the root of the inflammation, we have to learn what causes inflammation and how to deal with it. Let's get started.


Is your coffee habit killing you or saving your life?  -

Coffee is good for you, a new study says. Wait, no, coffee is actually not that good for you, a newer study says. It seems like research on coffee keeps contradicting itself: It is simultaneously the cause of and the cure to everything.


10 Signs You're Gluten Intolerant

It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them?


5 Qualities Of A Great Leader

To be a leader is to be able to feel, express and intellectually articulate the needs, wants and desires of the greater collective as a whole.


10 Harsh Realities That Help You Grow

The beginnings to good things are always the hardest, but it’s these hard times that pave the path to greatness. Be strong and keep the faith. It will be worth it in the end. The greatest miracle of your success in life will not be that you finished, it will be that you found the strength and courage to begin.


The Mind Behind Eyes

Are you tuned in to the emotions of others? Or have you been accused of being insensitive?


The World's 10 Strangest Buildings | Reader's Digest

When creative architectural minds are given funds and free reign over their creations, some truly strange buildings are born. Some of these raise form above function and some do the opposite, but all will make you pause and think, “What is that?”


A Pain That's Hard to Discuss -

In fact, this potentially painful, debilitating, anxiety-provoking condition is quite common. If a fissure doesn’t heal on its own, it can usually be treated and recurrences prevented with conservative measures.


Old vs. New: 10 Twists on Traditional Cold and Flu Remedies | Reader's Digest

Our grandmothers were onto something when they assured us chicken soup, hot water with honey and cool cloths would relieve our ills. Here are 10 innovations (and improvements!) on the old-fashioned way of getting better.


Grain Brain: What A No-Carb Diet Looks Like

Every time you tuck into a bowl of cereal or plate of pasta, you’re killing your brain. That’s the dramatic diagnosis of a U.S. neurologist whose recently published New York Times best seller has captured media headlines for calling wheat, carbohydrates and sugar “the brain’s silent killer."


The 13 Bad Habits We Just Can't Give Up

Earlier this month, a survey in Britain about bad habits found that people struggle most with trying to give up smoking, although many also are addicted to coffee, Facebook, reality TV, cracking their knuckles and a myriad of other so-called vices.


When to See Doctor - When to Take a Pill -

No one has time to run to the doctor for every stuffy nose or aching muscle, but relying on over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for seemingly minor health problems sometimes does more harm than good. In certain cases, medication can make symptoms worse or mask more complicated conditions. Read this, then decide which route—a pill or an appointment—is best for you.


7 Food Additives You Should Avoid Like the Plague | MyDiet

Some of these chemicals are linked to significant weight gain or a failure to lose weight, while others may even shorten your lifespan by increasing your risk of developing potentially fatal conditions like cancer, heart disease and kidney failure.


4 Silent Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries | Reader's Digest

The following clues can point to clogged arteries and underlying heart disease, according to Joel K. Kahn, MD.


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