10 Things You Should Never Say About Yourself, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a wonderful weekend!

7 Diet Habits You Should Drop Now

We get it: With so much contradictory advice floating around about the best diets for weight loss, it's no wonder many of us end up confused about what we should eat for optimal well-being and a healthy weight.


10 Things You Should Never Say About Yourself

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?


14 Ways to Prevent a Nasty Cold or Flu | Reader's Digest

Sick of suffering through the sniffles? Next time you feel a cold coming on try one of these strategies to bring it to a dead halt.


13 Best Foods for Crohns Disease - Health.com

Here are 13 foods that should be easy on your digestion. However, the right Crohn's diet is highly individualā€”so use trial and error to see what works for you.


10 Sore Throat Remedies - Health.com

These easy, non-prescription remedies can help ease soreness and scratchiness fast.


Slow healing - Signs of Diabetes - Health.com

Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy-to-miss symptoms.


Simple Solutions for Everyday Money Concerns

Put financial anxiety to rest with simple solutions to everyday money concerns.


Healthy vs. Unhealthy Chocolate - Doctor Oz on Chocolate - Oprah.com

Real chocolate is a great (and delicious) source of health-promoting polyphenols. But not all chocolates are created equal.


3 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Look Younger | The Dr. Oz Show

When life gives you lemons, give yourself younger-looking skin with these simple steps.

Shocking Diseases Men Get | The Dr. Oz Show

There are certain diseases that we typically think of as "women's diseases." But a surprising few are affecting more and more men.


Financial Pundit Explains How the Bible Helps Him Invest

Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they donā€™t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.


Be Cautious About Getting the Higher Dose Flu Shot This Year

Seniors are being urged this year to get a new high-dose version of the flu shot. But renowned holistic doctor Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., warns that older Americans should be cautious about getting this stronger version of the flu vaccine. [Full Story]


Is Your Food Expired? Donā€™t Be So Quick to Toss It | TIME.com

Use-by dates are contributing to millions of pounds of wasted food each year.


Poverty in Early Childhood Produces Smaller Brains, Researchers Say | TIME.com

The rich really are different, at least when it comes to their brains. In two separate studies, researchers found that experiencing poverty in early childhood is linked to smaller brain size and less efficient processing of certain sensory information.


Dinner Tonight | How To and Instructions | Martha Stewart

We've selected over 100 of our best quick pasta recipes -- all ready in under an hour. You'll find loads of year-round favorites, including macaroni and cheese, lasagna, and spaghetti and meatballs, to recipes featuring seafood and seasonal vegetables.


Study: Too Much Pasta Can Lead To Depression Ā« CBS New York

High-Carb 'Inflammatory' Diet Linked To Depression In Women, Study Says


Feel The Burn: The Lowdown on Heartburn | Fox News

Don't let the name fool you, but heartburn really has nothing to do with the heart. Itā€™s actually a digestive problem caused by the regurgitation of stomach acid up through the opening of the stomach and into the esophagus. Itā€™s the irritation of your esophagus by stomach acid that causes those familiar feelings of upper abdominal pain that are often accompanied with a burning chest sensation and bitter taste in the mouth.


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