Narcissistic Siblings Can Turn Their Families Upside Down, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a fantastic weekend!

Narcissistic Siblings - Turning Their Families Upside Down

In some cases the narcissistic sibling intimidates the parents so successfully that they sing to his tune. He is a despotic ruler of the household. In other instances the narcissistic mother/father colludes with the golden one and the two of them create an atmosphere of ongoing apprehension and fear in the home.


Food And Medication Interactions: Grapefruit Isn't The Only One

What could be harmful about health foods like grapefruit, licorice and kale?


Grapefruit And Drugs: Interactions Between Grapefruits And Drugs Can Cause Severe Effects, Death

Eating a grapefruit or drinking its juice can be a great way to get vitamin C, but it can also be dangerous when taking certain prescription drugs, researchers warn.


Type 3 Diabetes | Alzheimer's and Diet |

Heard the phrase "type 3 diabetes" yet? You'll surely be hearing it more. For several years now, researchers have been calling Alzheimer's disease a brain form of diabetes as they explore links between the diseases. Increasingly now, they're fingering a poor diet as an influential culprit.


Medications That Can Cause Chronic Fatigue - Drug Side Effects - AARP

Chronic fatigue has many causes, including illnesses such as anemia and multiple sclerosis as well as depression and other psychiatric disorders. But it's also often a side effect of drugs previously prescribed for other conditions. (I'm not talking here of the complicated disorder known as chronic fatigue syndrome, whose cause is unknown. This condition is characterized by extreme fatigue that can't be explained by any underlying medical condition.)


Cell Phone Addiction Driven By Impulsivity, Materialism: Study

The urges that drive cell phone and instant messaging addiction may be the same as those driving shopping addiction, a small new study suggests.


Lisa Firestone: Generosity: What's in It for You?

Generosity is no longer the selfless act we've long thought it to be. Studies now suggest that one of the biggest benefactors of generosity is the person who is dishing it out.


How to stop the signs of aging from Dr. Mike Moreno - Chatelaine

Forget elixirs and expensive serums. In his latest book, ‘The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging’, Dr. Mike Moreno offers a few simple tricks to revitalize your body and mind from the inside out. Here’s a sneak peek just for you!


What leads to a long and happy life

What do you need to live a long fulfilled life? Three simple things: love, companionship and commitment. A 74-year-long study by researchers at Harvard Medical School suggests that a dog, a happy marriage, and a supportive social network are the foundations of a long life.


How Soda Is Making You Fat | Men's Health News

Consuming high amounts of fructose (a type of sugar), artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols (another type of low-calorie sweetener) cause your gut bacteria to adapt in a way that interferes with your satiety signals and metabolism, according to a new paper in Obesity Reviews. (If you’ve noticed you’ve been feeling tired all the time and gaining weight, your metabolism may be slowing. Check out this plan to rev up your body’s fat-burning machine in 8 weeks!)

Multivitamins Cut the Chance of Developing Cancer by 8 per cent

In the new study, multivitamins cut the chance of developing cancer by 8 per cent. That is less effective than a good diet, exercise and not smoking, each of which can lower cancer risk by 20 per cent to 30 per cent, cancer experts say.


Is your blood pressure healthy? - Live Well - NHS Choices

High blood pressure increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but there are things you can do to lower your blood pressure.


How Clean Teeth Keep You Healthy | Women's Health Magazine

A variety of studies have established that inflammation and bacteria in the mouth and gums can find its way into the bloodstream, leading to thickening of the arteries and increasing the risk of a heart attack; while fatty plaques that build up on the inside of the vessels can break off, go to the brain and cause a stroke.


What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease? - Crohn's & Colitis - C-Health

The presence of the following "alarm symptoms" of Crohn's disease requires prompt consultation with a doctor:


Ha! Laughing is good for you! - Men's Health - C-Health

As adults, we laugh about 15 times a day. Sounds pretty joyful - until you find out that children laugh about 400 times in a 24-hour go-round. That is a pretty big giggle gap!


Crohn's Disease Diet Plan: Foods to Avoid, Low-Residue Diet, and More

When Crohn's disease affects just the small intestine it results in diarrhea and undernourishment. When the large intestine is also inflamed, the diarrhea can be severe. Severe diarrhea combined with malnutrition often leads to problems. For example, a person with Crohn's disease may suffer from anemia and have low levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, or iron.


Discover what your RRSP can do for you - Canadian Living

RRSPs are the single best retirement savings vehicle available to Canadians, yet almost one-quarter of us don'’t bother to get into the driver's seat and use them to steer our way to a financially sound retirement. To ensure your retirement plans aren't at risk of stalling, here's a refresher on the top eight reasons why you should contribute to an RRSP.


Busting the top 10 myths about milk products - Canadian Living

You may have heard some funny rumors about milk products. Here’s your chance to separate fact from fiction.


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