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TELUS CP (T.TO) TSX - Nov 14, 2012
Green - Favoured Zone
Yellow - Neutral Zone
Red - Out of Favour Zone
Telus (T.TO) moved into the Favored Zone of the SIA S&P/TSX 60 Report in early May, and is now sitting in the #8 spot. Resistance is at $54.19, with move above that looking towards the $60 area. Support is found at $48.12 and again at $44.45.
Telus (T.TO) has been a steady consistent performer in the favored zone of the SIA S&P/TSX 60 Report moving onto new highs this month with over a $15 positive move since entering the favored zone. Resistance is found above at $75.63 and at $33.61. Support is found below at $59.64. Further support is found at $55.09 and $51.92
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