10 Things To Stop Caring About Today, and other (Long) Weekend Reads

Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a happy, long Thanksgiving weekend.

How Parents Can Deal With Having A Favorite Child

According to Edwards, one reason a parent might get along with one child more than another stems from temperament -- if your child is similar to you, you're more likely to feel compatible and want to spend time with that child, she said. A parent might also favor one child if he or she was born after lots of trying, if the child is the only girl or boy in the family, or if the child is easy to discipline. Birth order plays a role too, she said. For example, if you're a first child and your daughter is as well, you might relate to her more easily than you do to a second or third child


We All Get Shorter As We Age, Research Confirms

After age 40, it's not uncommon to start getting just a little bit shorter. But shrinking too much or too fast could be a sign of health problems, research shows.

Yawning Cools Down The Brain, Study Finds

Researchers at Princeton University and the University of Arizona found that people are more likely to yawn in the wintertime, since the temperature of the outside air is cooler than their internal body temp. That's because when you yawn, you bring outside air into your body -- and when you yawn to bring in cold air, it cools down your brain.

Multivitamins For A Headache Or Migraine | LIVESTRONG.COM

Your body needs several key vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy nervous system, which can impact the development of headaches. Riboflavin and B-6, two B vitamins, along with vitamin D and magnesium, have been shown to reduce the frequency of migraines, so you should look for a multivitamin that contains all these nutrients. However, you should follow your doctor's advice regarding proper migraine treatment.


10 Things To Stop Caring About Today

Every day is a new beginning. But in life, sometimes you have to stop before you can truly begin. So starting today ...


Daniel P. Malito: Explained: What Are Autoimmune Diseases?

What is autoimmune disease? If we break down the word, you can see that it starts with "aut," which comes from the ancient Greek word for "self." I would hope you know that "immune" refers to the body's immune system. So, autoimmune or "self-immune-system" diseases are those in which a patient's immune system is attacking itself. The body's mechanisms can no longer differentiate between foreign bodies and friendly bodies. Normally, the system's white blood cells help protect the body, but the immune response in autoimmune patients destroys normal body tissue and foreign tissue alike. Think of it as friendly fire on a very minute scale.

The Top 5 worst roads, bridges and tunnels in Canada (w/poll)Autoblog Canada

A while back we posted a story about a bridge in the US that had been shut down indefinitely since a major crack was found irreparable. In Canada, we used to pride ourselves on superior roadways to that of the US, but that is rapidly changing. As governments of all levels struggle to stay on top of the crumbling infrastructure, we decided to take it to our Autobloggers to decide what is the worst of the worst for our cars and safety

Rita Altman, R.N.: Memory Loss Doesn't Equal Loss of Humanity

People with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of memory loss often seem to live in a different reality or a different time and place. Despite this disconnect, we should not simply dismiss a person as "gone" or focus so narrowly on all the abilities that the person has lost. Instead, we must focus on the uniqueness of each person and bring an open mind to how we address their needs -- the basic human needs we all share.

Childless men more likely to die of heart disease: Study

A decade-long study of 135,000 men found that those who did not have children had a higher risk of dying from heart disease than those who did, raising new questions over the links between fertility and overall health, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Thin parents pass on 'skinny genes' to their children | Mail Online

A new study found children with thinner parents are three times more likely to be thin than children whose parents are overweight.

Pale-Skinned People May Need Vitamin D Supplements: Study

"Fair-skinned individuals who burn easily are not able to make enough vitamin D from sunlight and so may need to take vitamin D supplements," study researcher Julia Newton-Bishop, of the Cancer Research UK Centre at the University of Leeds, said in a statement.

6 Ways To Avoid Mindless Eating And Excess Calories

"If you're just grabbing and eating, you're going to end up most likely consuming more calories than you need," Gans told HuffPost. "And by consuming more calories than you need, you'll most likely find you're gaining weight because you're not paying attention to what you are eating."

Thanksgiving Day in Canada

Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year.

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