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Eric Sprott Interview Notes
- bond purchases made by Europe and others are actually an unofficial bank run, and banks are selling these bonds/assets to make depositors whole.
- there has been a 20% supply/demand change in gold demand from last year to this year, where is the gold supply coming from?
- agrees with James Turk that the gold cartel is doing an orderly retreat while trying to avoid gold jumping too fast
- based on 16-1 silver to gold ratio in the past, silver should be trading around $110
- discussed George Soros' comments re: silver, but few others touch it.
- he asks “where is the silver supply coming from in an 900 million oz. a year producing world?”
- on oil he notes that oil firms are going to have a hard time raising capital for exploration and this will have a significant impact on oil prices in the future.
- this takes into consideration the economic slowdown’s impact on energy use
- HUI going thru 600 is the all clear signal to buy the miners
Source: King World News