Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have an excellent weekend!
Craig Cooper: Soy: When It's Good, When It's Bad, And How To Tell
The debate over the potential benefits and dangers of eating soy is ongoing and often heated. Is soy good for you or should you avoid it? If you do eat soy, how much is OK to eat? There is research to support both sides of the issue. One way to approach the debate is to think of soy like chocolate.
Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S., R.D., L.D.: Sleep Diet: How to Sleep for Weight Loss, and Eat to Sleep Well
There is plenty of scientific data suggesting that a lack of sleep may alter important hormones that are responsible for hunger and fullness. The newest study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, goes even a step further and suggests from the findings that lack of sleep even effects whether you lose muscle or fat (fat is preferred of course) when you're trying to lose weight.
Smoking: Steps to Help You Break the Habit -
Smoking causes changes in your body and in the way you act. The changes in your body are caused by an addiction to nicotine. The changes in the way you act developed over time as you bought cigarettes, lit them and smoked them. These changes have become your smoking habit.
Regular workouts ward off the common cold - TODAY Health -
"The most powerful weapon someone has during cold season," Nieman told MyHealthNewsDaily, "is to go out, on a near-daily basis, and put in at least a 30-minute brisk walk."
Alcohol More Dangerous Than Heroin Or Cocaine, Study Finds
Experts said alcohol scored so high because it is so widely used and has devastating consequences not only for drinkers but for those around them.
David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.: Do Positive People Live Longer?
So why do positive people live longer? I imagine that it is because they get less stressed in day-to-day life. When something doesn't quite go to plan, a person with a positive attitude might just deal with it, typically refocus, or even look for another solution. But a person with a negative attitude will typically complain more, get angry or frustrated, and they will expend a lot of energy going over and over in their heads what has happened and how much it is a real inconvenience for them.
Smokers at Greater Risk for Dementia, Study Says - Vital Signs -
Middle-aged smokers are far more likely than nonsmokers to develop dementia later in life, and heavy smokers — those who go through more than two packs a day — are at more than double the risk, a new study reports
Sisters and Happiness - Understanding the Connection -
One woman, for example, says she talks for hours by phone to her two brothers as well as her two sisters. But the topics differ. She talks to her sisters about their personal lives; with her brothers she discusses history, geography and books. And, she added, one brother calls her at 5 a.m. as a prank.
Rachael Ray Blogs: How to cut a mango
The tricky part of using mangoes is figuring out how to cut them. They are shaped like avocados so you would think they would have a similar round pit, but no. It is more of a rectangle-like shape and makes slicing one a little more challenging. Here are step-by-step instructions:
What you should eat (and avoid) to beat breast cancer - TODAY Health - Breast cancer awareness -
When it comes to reducing breast cancer risk, you can’t change your family history. But you can change your nutritional habits and that could go a long way in decreasing your risk.
Andy Riley: 7 Things You're Dying To Do When Angry And Can't, But These 'Selfish Pigs' Can (PHOTOS)
The selfish pigs are different -- I know exactly how they feel, and they behave as I'd like to when I'm angry... if I had the courage. I hope these cartoons appeal to the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" parts of the people who see them. That's the part of me that they came from.
Darya Pino, Ph.D: 9 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain While Vacationing
You can't expect to eat like a saint during your entire vacation, and I would argue that you shouldn't even try. But don't sweat it; if you follow the rest of the advice below, there should be plenty of room for fun and indulgence in your travels.
18 Beautiful Ceilings Around The World (PHOTOS)
While ceilings are often the most nondescript feature of homes and offices, they are at times the most striking feature of cultural, religious, and even commercial buildings. For your viewing pleasure, we've selected some of the most beautiful ceilings all over the world. Take a look and get inspired!
Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright Tour (PHOTOS)
Here are 19 homes and places designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that are open to the public to this day.
Leo Galland, M.D.: 5 Supplements That Could Help Ward Off the Flu
While there is no guarantee that any product--drug, vitamin or supplement--will prevent the flu, there is a lot of very interesting research on how dietary supplements could help reduce the chances of getting flu symptoms.
What NOT To Post On Facebook: 13 Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Facebook Friends
According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the company's unofficial mission is to make "the world more open and connected." But there are limits to how open you should be on Facebook and while you might enjoy sharing photos and status updates, there are some pieces of information you would do well never to share.
The ‘Other’ Salt: 5 Foods Rich in Potassium – TIME Healthland
But there are only so many bananas (.5g each) you can eat. Just in time for lunch, here's a list of 5 foods that can help boost your potassium intake.
Jan Shepherd: Love Is a Verb: Don't Just Say It, Show It
"Words! Words! Words!
I'm so sick of words!
I get words all day through;
First from him, now from you!
Is that all you blighters can do?"
The 5 Foods for Better Health | The Dr. Oz Show
Changing your eating habits can do more than trim your waistline. With the right ingredients you can lower your cancer risk and potentially increase your lifespan.
Craig Cooper: Soy: When It's Good, When It's Bad, And How To Tell
8:31 AM
The debate over the potential benefits and dangers of eating soy is ongoing and often heated. Is soy good for you or should you avoid it? If you do eat soy, how much is OK to eat? There is research to support both sides of the issue. One way to approach the debate is to think of soy like chocolate.
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Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S., R.D., L.D.: Sleep Diet: How to Sleep for Weight Loss, and Eat to Sleep Well
10:41 AM
There is plenty of scientific data suggesting that a lack of sleep may alter important hormones that are responsible for hunger and fullness. The newest study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, goes even a step further and suggests from the findings that lack of sleep even effects whether you lose muscle or fat (fat is preferred of course) when you're trying to lose weight.
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Smoking: Steps to Help You Break the Habit --
1:40 PM
Smoking causes changes in your body and in the way you act. The changes in your body are caused by an addiction to nicotine. The changes in the way you act developed over time as you bought cigarettes, lit them and smoked them. These changes have become your smoking habit.
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Regular workouts ward off the common cold - TODAY Health -
9:27 AM
"The most powerful weapon someone has during cold season," Nieman told MyHealthNewsDaily, "is to go out, on a near-daily basis, and put in at least a 30-minute brisk walk."
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Alcohol More Dangerous Than Heroin Or Cocaine, Study Finds
9:47 AM
Experts said alcohol scored so high because it is so widely used and has devastating consequences not only for drinkers but for those around them.
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David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.: Do Positive People Live Longer?
9:49 AM
So why do positive people live longer? I imagine that it is because they get less stressed in day-to-day life. When something doesn't quite go to plan, a person with a positive attitude might just deal with it, typically refocus, or even look for another solution. But a person with a negative attitude will typically complain more, get angry or frustrated, and they will expend a lot of energy going over and over in their heads what has happened and how much it is a real inconvenience for them.
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Smokers at Greater Risk for Dementia, Study Says - Vital Signs -
10:46 AM
Middle-aged smokers are far more likely than nonsmokers to develop dementia later in life, and heavy smokers — those who go through more than two packs a day — are at more than double the risk, a new study reports
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Sisters and Happiness - Understanding the Connection -
10:49 AM
One woman, for example, says she talks for hours by phone to her two brothers as well as her two sisters. But the topics differ. She talks to her sisters about their personal lives; with her brothers she discusses history, geography and books. And, she added, one brother calls her at 5 a.m. as a prank.
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Rachael Ray Blogs: How to cut a mango
7:33 PM
The tricky part of using mangoes is figuring out how to cut them. They are shaped like avocados so you would think they would have a similar round pit, but no. It is more of a rectangle-like shape and makes slicing one a little more challenging. Here are step-by-step instructions:
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What you should eat (and avoid) to beat breast cancer - TODAY Health - Breast cancer awareness -
7:39 PM
When it comes to reducing breast cancer risk, you can’t change your family history. But you can change your nutritional habits and that could go a long way in decreasing your risk.
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Andy Riley: 7 Things You're Dying To Do When Angry And Can't, But These 'Selfish Pigs' Can (PHOTOS)
8:30 PM
The selfish pigs are different -- I know exactly how they feel, and they behave as I'd like to when I'm angry... if I had the courage. I hope these cartoons appeal to the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" parts of the people who see them. That's the part of me that they came from.
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Darya Pino, Ph.D: 9 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain While Vacationing
10:24 AM
You can't expect to eat like a saint during your entire vacation, and I would argue that you shouldn't even try. But don't sweat it; if you follow the rest of the advice below, there should be plenty of room for fun and indulgence in your travels.
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18 Beautiful Ceilings Around The World (PHOTOS)
10:27 AM
While ceilings are often the most nondescript feature of homes and offices, they are at times the most striking feature of cultural, religious, and even commercial buildings. For your viewing pleasure, we've selected some of the most beautiful ceilings all over the world. Take a look and get inspired!
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Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright Tour (PHOTOS)
10:29 AM
Here are 19 homes and places designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that are open to the public to this day.
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Leo Galland, M.D.: 5 Supplements That Could Help Ward Off the Flu
10:32 AM
While there is no guarantee that any product--drug, vitamin or supplement--will prevent the flu, there is a lot of very interesting research on how dietary supplements could help reduce the chances of getting flu symptoms.
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What NOT To Post On Facebook: 13 Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Facebook Friends
10:36 AM
According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the company's unofficial mission is to make "the world more open and connected." But there are limits to how open you should be on Facebook and while you might enjoy sharing photos and status updates, there are some pieces of information you would do well never to share.
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The ‘Other’ Salt: 5 Foods Rich in Potassium – TIME Healthland
8:32 PM
But there are only so many bananas (.5g each) you can eat. Just in time for lunch, here's a list of 5 foods that can help boost your potassium intake.
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Jan Shepherd: Love Is a Verb: Don't Just Say It, Show It
5:15 PM
"Words! Words! Words!
I'm so sick of words!
I get words all day through;
First from him, now from you!
Is that all you blighters can do?"
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The 5 Foods for Better Health | The Dr. Oz Show
5:40 PM
Changing your eating habits can do more than trim your waistline. With the right ingredients you can lower your cancer risk and potentially increase your lifespan.
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