Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your enlightenment. Have a great weekend!
SAM-e May Be Effective Treatment for Depression -
A popular dietary supplement called SAMe may help depressed patients who don’t respond to prescription antidepressant treatment, a new study shows.
Charting Anxiety and Pessimism in Dogs -
Dogs that quickly raced to the locations were more optimistic, and in search of food. Those that did not were deemed pessimistic.
Broccoli And Bananas May Fight Crohn's Disease, Scientists Say
EATING broccoli and bananas could help fight Crohn's disease, a long-term digestive condition affecting a rising number of people in developed countries, British scientists say.
Robert Tornambe, M.D.: Does Stress Make You Ugly?
Stress can be acute, which affects the body in the short term, or chronic, affecting the body in the long term. Synonyms for stress include anxiety, nervousness, apprehensiveness, impatience, fear and restlessness.
Matthew Edlund, M.D.: Anxiety Management: 8 Tips for Calming the Everyday Crisis
So what do you do if your kid is sick and has to get to the doctor, you'll be late to work in a job you fear you might lose, there's a huge highway traffic tie-up and you just recognized your uncle's funeral is next week, 200 miles away, and you have to work that day?
Gretchen Rubin: 6 Tips for Fighting Boredom
The more you focus on your boredom, the more you amplify that feeling. Here are six tips to re-frame the moment; even if you can't escape a situation, by re-framing your emotions about it, you can transform it.
Spooky! The origins of 13 enduring superstitions -
Why, for example, are black cats, broken mirrors, the number 13 and umbrellas opened indoors considered such big, bad deals in some circles? And why do many people feel better when armed with a lucky rabbit's foot, or a lucky shirt, or a lucky tie, or a lucky pen, or lucky undies?
3 Antiaging Foods You Should Eat to Stay Young
One, drink plenty of water. Dehydration causes the body to start shutting down and deteriorating. This means your organs become less able to detoxify your body. And dehydrated skin looks old and wrinkled. Drink at least one to two liters of water per day.
Dr. Michael J. Breus: Does Your Dog Steal Your Sleep?
But can they cause you misery where you least expect it? Indeed: snoring pooches in our bed can wreak havoc on our sleep. And we're not always as inclined to kick them out as we would a snoring spouse.
Chris B. Lehmann: 'Rich People Things': A Satirical Look At 7 Things Rich People Enjoy (PHOTOS)
The idea of "Rich People Things" had never really occurred to me as a subject for a book, a column, or anything else. It was, indeed, something that my editor foisted on my maiden contribution to the then-fledgling website
EconomyBites: The $7 Homemade Pizza Oven!
If you're traveling to New York and you check for suggestions of activities in which to participate while you're here, the number 1 tour they suggest you take is Scott's Pizza Tour, led by Pizza Enthusiast, Scott Wiener. Along with knowing all the important pizza landmarks and best places in the city to get a slice, Scott knows just about everything about the art of pizza production, and I honest to God mean EVERYTHING!
Endless Simmer: 100 Ways to Cook a Pumpkin
Our top ten favorite pumpkin recipes are featured below. Take a look and vote for your favorite, then check out the full 100 ways to cook a pumpkin.
Pamela Newton: The Curse of the Unmarried Generation
I remember a Roy Lichtenstein drawing from the 80s that showed a distraught woman of indeterminate age with a speech bubble saying, "I can't believe it... I forgot to have children!" I appreciated the humor even as a child. Little did I know that I was already on track to becoming that woman.
Doctor's Appointment Scheduling Guide - LLuminari -
Open your calendar now and schedule these doctor's appointments, screenings, vaccinations and regular fun.
Melanie Gorman: Want Some Cheese with That Whine? How to Stop the Complaint Cycle
No one likes a whiner. Fewer people like complainers. And even fewer like those who give ultimatums because their whining and complaining hasn't worked.
BBC News - Chocolate cholesterol claims spark debate
Chocolate with high levels of cocoa solids is rich in polyphenols, which other studies suggest can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Mark Hyman, MD: Food Addiction: Could It Explain Why 70 Percent of Americans Are Fat?
Imagine a foot-high pile of broccoli, or a giant bowl of apple slices. Do you know anyone who would binge broccoli or apples? On other hand, imagine a mountain of potato chips or a whole bag of cookies, or a pint of ice cream. Those are easy to imagining vanishing in an unconscious, reptilian brain eating frenzy. Broccoli is not addictive, but cookies, chips, or soda absolutely can become addictive drugs.
Delia Lloyd: 5 Ways To Keep Your Brain Active As You Age
I had a senior moment the other day. I was talking to my daughter about my elementary school, and I started listing my teachers one by one. But when I got to fifth grade, I drew a complete blank.
Prempro Hormone Therapy Amplifies Breast Cancer Risks, Study Finds -
Women who took hormones and developed breast cancer were more likely to have cancerous lymph nodes, a sign of more advanced disease, and were more likely to die from the disease than were breast cancer patients who had never taken hormones.
Joanna Dolgoff, M.D.: Could an Earlier Bedtime Mean a Healthier Weight for Your Kids?
Babies and children under the age of five getting less than 10 hours of sleep at night are more likely to be overweight or obese five years later. Insufficient sleep at night may be a lasting risk factor for obesity later in life (napping cannot replace the benefits of nighttime sleep).