Hedge Fund Titan David Tepper Weighs in on Economy, Markets, and his Strategy



KERNEN: My entire body has chills right now because of this guy that I'm going to introduce right now.
And I'm going to explain how hard it is to get this -- remember when Howard Hughes, no one had ever seen him, and that guy met him in the desert and they didn't even know who he was?


KERNEN: Melvin, Melvin.

QUINTANILLA: Melvin and Howard.

KERNEN: This guy, no one has ever seen -- let me introduce our special guest for the next half hour, raked in a record of $7.5 billion for his fund last year by investing in financials returning an eye-popping 132 percent for himself and investors.

Joining us in a rare exclusive interview, hedge fund heavy weight, David Tepper, President and founder of $12.4 billion Appaloosa Management who I've talked -- David, thank you for coming in.

TEPPER: You're welcome, Joe.

KERNEN: Talked about you a lot because the Short Hills Mall is the only thing people know about Short Hills. And you, instead of being in the, you know, the canyons of New York City, you've managed this money out at -- overlooking a parking lot near the Short Hills Mall.
And talked about you a lot. I've run into you but didn't know who you were. You're kind of like Carlos, the Jackal -- no one has ever seen.

TEPPER: Actually seen him.

KERNEN: this man before. So it's like.

QUINTANILLA: What was said to you to get you to come here?


TEPPER: What was said to me?



TEPPER: You know, actually, I listened to Joe who said I was mysterious, elusive -- at least this type of stuff. So I said, you know, why not come on?

KERNEN: So far, it worked good. All right.

TEPPER: Although I'm a little concerned when you say you have chills when you see me. I'm not going to the mess (ph).

KERNEN: Oh, no, no, no. It's only in the nicest way.

TEPPER: All right. We can talk. I mean, that's okay. I mean, if.

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