Calcium Supplements Linked to Heart Attacks, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this weekend's reading diversions. Have a great weekend!

The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily

It is my intention to educate you about the truth of this harmful and toxic ingredient and drive sales down even further. I have no ulterior motives other than to warn you so that you can protect your and your family's health, and I sell no competing products.

Be Your Own Health Advocate: 5 Body Signs Women Should Heed

Having persistent pain, fever or bleeding are usually wake-up calls that something's medically wrong and we should see a doctor

Your brain is hardwired for fattening foods

Your brain, not your stomach, is what makes you desire sugary, fatty splurges such as brownies and french fries.

The Dark Side of Vitaminwater

The very name "vitaminwater" suggests that the product is simply water with added nutrients, disguising the fact that it's actually full of added sugar.

Top 10 Shows to See In New York City

As usual, the dog days of August have cleared the city of all but its most devoted gallerists, leaving behind summer shows on reduced hours and a more or less dead event schedule.

Calcium supplements linked to heart attacks: Study

Calcium tablets are commonly prescribed to boost skeletal health, but a recent clinical trial suggested they might increase the number of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems in healthy older women.

Drinking cow's milk may offer early health benefits to children

Cow's milk protein allergy is the most common and most dangerous among the family of dairy allergies and intolerances, with reactions including rash, respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms, even shock or death.

Do kids need supplements? Experts agree on one thing: It depends

If you do use supplements, look for children’s brands. Avoid large doses of anything; some nutrients, such as iron and vitamin A, can become toxic.

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