(Diet) Soft Drinks Linked to Strokes, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a fantastic weekend!

Moderate Sun Exposure Necessary for Adequate Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D is linked to a remarkable number of health issues. Studies have shown that a lack of the vitamin may help to cause heart disease, birth defects, skin cancer (read the article Can Vitamin D Prevent Cancer?), depression, multiple sclerosis, and pregnancy problems


Joe Lupo: TGIF! Dressing Beyond the Office

The casual category is all too often the forgotten or neglected area of a man's closet unless he is going casual to work. The way to solve the problem is to build a solid foundation, the essentials or a 'casual capsule' as we would call it at Visual Therapy. Taking it from the from the top and working my way down, I will review a formula for you -- focusing on spring/summer for now since that's what's in the stores.


What is Type 2 Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetics | Caring.com

Type 2 diabetes strikes when a person's body loses the ability to produce or properly use the hormone insulin. The result is too much sugar in the blood.


Is Gluten Bad for Your Body? | Women's Health Magazine

Gluten is a protein found in the grains wheat, barley, and rye. Most of us unknowingly love it, because gluten gives our favorite foods that special touch: It makes pizza dough stretchy, gives bread its spongy texture, and is used to thicken sauces and soups.


Drink Water, Work Harder | Men's Health News

Need a little fuel to help you ace your big presentation today? Forget energy bars—chug a bottle of H2O instead. Researchers found that students who drank water during an exam performed 10 percent better than those who didn’t, according to a recent study presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference.


Stand Up for Fitness - NYTimes.com

Studies of daily movement patterns, though, show that your typical modern exerciser, even someone who runs, subsequently sits for hours afterward, often moving less over all than on days when he or she does not work out.


Cancer - Foods to Avoid

Avoid salt-cured, pickled, or smoked foods. Avoid all processed foods and trans-fatty oils as if they were the cause of your cancer itself. Avoid inorganically raised foods.


Detox Foods | 8 reasons to love lemons

It supports your liver detoxification: Fresh lemon juice contains several detoxifying compounds. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice in your morning glass of water to help your body to detox naturally.


7 May Superfoods

Now that the weather is a wee bit warmer, many of us are thinking about getting outdoors to enjoy the spring air and sunshine.
May offers a welcome chance to get out there and be active, whether it's by taking a walk with friends (good for the body and the soul!), enjoying a bike ride or -- depending on the temperatures where you live -- taking a refreshing dip in the nearest body of water.


Vital Signs: Early Menopause Linked to Bone Fracture Risk - NYTimes.com

Women who reach menopause early are at significantly greater risk for osteoporosis and bone fracture later in life, a Swedish study has found.


Bugs In Food: What You're Eating Without Realizing It

If you thought finding a fly in your soup was enough to turn you off your meal, try finding a maggot in your canned mushrooms or caterpillar remains in your spinach salad. Just about everyone has heard a horror story when it comes to food and insects, and part of that might be thanks to relaxed policies when it comes creepy crawlers and governmental food agencies.


Best markets in Canada | Chatelaine.com

May's mild weather gives rise to a favourite pastime with market stalls across the country opening up to sell everything from jams to jewels!


Hyperthyroidism Symptoms in Men | eHow.com

Doctors use the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test to diagnose hyperthyroidism in men. The TSH test detects even the smallest amounts of thyroid stimulating hormone in the blood and provides accurate measurements of thyroid activity. Your doctor may also use a thyroid scan to detect the location and amount of iodine in your thyroid. Using a thyroid scan allows doctors to detect the cause of hyperthyroidism and provides images of thyroid irregularities such as nodules.


Jogging Linked With Increased Life Expectancy, Study Shows

The optimal amount of jogging seems to be be one to two-and-a-half hours per week, spread out between two or three jogging sessions, the researchers found. The study was presented at the EuroPRevent2012 meeting in Ireland.


How to Eliminate Tension Headaches | eHow.com

Use a cold pack on your forehead. The cold will reduce any inflammation, as well as numb the area. This can provide you with some relief from your tension headache.


How to Do Math Problems in Your Head at Lightning Speed | eHow.com

Calculate the square of a two-digit number ending in 5 quickly in your head by multiplying the first digit by that digit plus 1 then adding 25 to the end of the number. For example, 45 x 45 = 4 x 5_25 = 2025.


Top Superfoods to Boost Your Mood - Oprah.com

If you've ever felt your attitude dipping while you're on a diet, you're not alone. It's common to feel anxious, moody or stressed out when you're trying to lose weight. Luckily, there are 3 super-healthy super foods that will not only be welcome in your weight-loss regimen, but help you feel great, too.


Healthy Snacks to Beat an Afternoon Energy Slump | Eating Well

As the afternoon rolls along (or drags on, depending on your take), the office candy bowl sees an uptick in traffic. But a new study shows that it’s not sugar, but protein that you should reach for to beat an afternoon slump.


The truth about tanning beds is not pretty | Health & Fitness | Life | Toronto Sun

Are tanning beds the new tobacco? Cancer causing and poorly regulated, they may be just that. Last year the World Health Organization put indoor tanning beds in the highest cancer risk category, along with mustard gas and cigarettes.


Calcium and vitamin D for Osteoporosis | Bone Health & Osteoporosis | HealthandBone.ca

One of the most frequently asked questions about a dairy-free diet is, "How will I get enough calcium?" For those who can't or prefer not to consumer dairy products, it is still important to make sure you get enough calcium from other sources. Luckily, there are many other ways to ensure you eat a calcium-rich diet. Foods containing calcium include broccoli, kale, bok choy, canned fish with bones such as sardines, nuts (almonds and Brazilian nuts in particular), and tofu set with calcium.


Soft drinks - even diet ones - could lead to a stroke - The Globe and Mail

Once consumed, soft drinks cause a rapid increase in blood glucose (sugar) and insulin, the hormone that removes glucose from the bloodstream. Over time, this can impair the body’s ability to use insulin and cause inflammation. These two changes influence hardening of the arteries, the stability of fatty plaques in artery walls and blood clotting – all risk factors for stroke.


Natural Health: Headaches Be Gone « Sustain Me

Because I suffer from headaches and migraines frequently (as do many of my family members and friends) I am always on the prowl for headache remedies, especially natural ones.


Parenting Styles: Is Your Child's Temperament A Good Fit With Yours?

Many personality traits like these are inborn, but "temperaments can also be colored by the environment in which children are raised," said child psychologist Brian Daly, who teaches at Drexel University in Philadelphia.


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