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Ep. 67 – Brief Version – Clients Expect Advisors to Lead Them on Responsible Investment – Deborah Debas, Pasquale Posteraro, and Nicola Fritz

Our conversation with three of Desjardins' thought leaders on responsible investing, Deborah Debas, Senior Responsible Investing Specialist at Desjardins, Pasquale Posteraro, Portfolio Manager, Equities, at Desjardins Global Asset Management, and Nicola Fritz, Portfolio Specialist, IMPAX Asset Management.

We discuss three fundamental investment dimensions of responsible investing through the ESG lens: Risk, Reward, and Impact. Pasquale Posteraro and Nicola Fritz provide deep dive insight into how the overlay of active portfolio manager and shareholder engagement is having a collaborative impact on identifying environmental, social and governance risks, how interaction between investee companies and investors is leading to progressive corporate responsibility, and how that mitigates risk substantially for investors.

Deborah Debas provides valuable insight on how advisors can be more proactive vis-à-vis responsible investing with their clients. Current research shows that two-thirds of retail investors are wanting to make sure their investments have more meaningful impact, but that only a small minority of 16% of advisors are being proactive with their clients about ESG and responsible investing. We delve into some interesting perspectives on how advisors can fulfill some, if not all, of their clients' expectations – the bottom line here is that being proactive could have a meaningful impact on advisors' relationships with their clients' successors.

Links / Resources:

Desjardins Responsible Investing

*Desjardins Responsible Investing Certification Program and Training

Desjardins Webcasts – Continuing Education – 5.5 IIROC Credits available or 6.25 CE Credits (The Institute)


Deborah Debas, Desjardins on Linkedin

Pasquale Posteraro, Desjardins Global Asset Management on Linkedin

Nicola Fritz, IMPAX Asset Management on Linkedin

Full Transcript:

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Ep. 67 – Clients Expect Advisors to Lead Them on Responsible Investment – Deborah Debas, Pasquale Posteraro, and Nicola Fritz

Our conversation with three thought leaders on responsible investing, Deborah Debas, Senior Responsible Investing Specialist at Desjardins, Pasquale Posteraro, Portfolio Manager, Equities, at Desjardins Global Asset Management, and Nicola Fritz, Portfolio Specialist, IMPAX Asset Management.

We discuss three fundamental investment dimensions of responsible investing through the ESG lens: Risk, Reward, and Impact. Pasquale Posteraro and Nicola Fritz provide deep dive insight into how the overlay of active portfolio manager and shareholder engagement is having a collaborative impact on identifying environmental, social and governance risks, how interaction between investee companies and investors is leading to progressive corporate responsibility, and how that mitigates risk substantially for investors.

Deborah Debas provides valuable insight on how advisors can be more proactive vis-à-vis responsible investing with their clients. Current research shows that two-thirds of retail investors are wanting to make sure their investments have more meaningful impact, but that only a small minority of 16% of advisors are being proactive with their clients about ESG and responsible investing. We delve into some interesting perspectives on how advisors can fulfill some, if not all, of their clients' expectations – the bottom line here is that being proactive could have a meaningful impact on advisors' relationships with their clients' successors.

Links / Resources:

Desjardins Responsible Investing

*Desjardins Responsible Investing Certification Program and Training

Desjardins Webcasts – Continuing Education – 5.5 IIROC Credits available or 6.25 CE Credits (The Institute)


Deborah Debas, Desjardins on Linkedin

Pasquale Posteraro, Desjardins Global Asset Management on Linkedin

Nicola Fritz, IMPAX Asset Management on Linkedin

Full Transcript:

Posted in: Episodes

67 Clients Expect Advisors to Lead Them on Responsible Investment

Our conversation with three thought leaders on responsible investing, Deborah Debas, Senior Responsible Investing Specialist at Desjardins, Pasquale Posteraro, Portfolio Manager, Equities, at Desjardins Global Asset Management, and Nicola Fritz, Portfolio Specialist, IMPAX Asset Management.

We discuss three fundamental investment dimensions of responsible investing through the ESG lens: Risk, Reward, and Impact. Pasquale Posteraro and Nicola Fritz provide deep dive insight into how the overlay of active portfolio manager and shareholder engagement is having a collaborative impact on identifying environmental, social and governance risks, how interaction between investee companies and investors is leading to progressive corporate responsibility, and how that mitigates risk substantially for investors.

Deborah Debas provides valuable insight on how advisors can be more proactive vis-à-vis responsible investing with their clients. Current research shows that two-thirds of retail investors are wanting to make sure their investments have more meaningful impact, but that only a small minority of 16% of advisors are being proactive with their clients about ESG and responsible investing. We delve into some interesting perspectives on how advisors can fulfill some, if not all, of their clients’ expectations – the bottom line here is that being proactive could have a meaningful impact on advisors’ relationships with their clients’ successors.

Links / Resources:

Desjardins Responsible Investing

*Desjardins Responsible Investing Certification Program and Training

Desjardins Webcasts – Continuing Education – 5.5 IIROC Credits available or 6.25 CE Credits (The Institute)


Deborah Debas, Desjardins on Linkedin

Pasquale Posteraro, Desjardins Global Asset Management on Linkedin

Nicola Fritz, IMPAX Asset Management on Linkedin

Full Transcript:

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Ep. 66 Raise Your Average with Mark Noble, Executive VP, Horizons ETFs

Our conversation with Mark Noble, Executive Vice President at Horizons ETFs. We get deep into a discussion around the big investment themes, the pros and cons, and the ups and downs of adoption of actively managed thematic ETFs. We talk about the conflicting views on valuations ascribed to technology related themes, both broad and narrow, from the widely held thematics, like innovation to the not-so widely held, like Uranium.

We also dive into the conundrum of investors reaching for yield at what is shaping up to be an inopportune time to be doing so. Mark Noble shares some valuable insight about fixed income in our chat.

This all made for some remarkable takeaways. Tune in. Mark Noble is definitely one of the brightest lights in the investing profession today, with a profound treasure trove of strategic thought leadership to offer us all.

Toward the end of the discussion Mark reveals some new and interesting observations on the Marijuana sector.

Full Transcript: Coming soon


Mark Noble on Linkedin

Horizons ETFs

Generation ETFs (Horizons ETFs Podcast

The Crew

ReSolve Asset Management

ReSolve Asset Management Blog

Mike Philbrick on Linkedin

Rodrigo Gordillo on Linkedin

Adam Butler on Linkedin

Pierre Daillie on Linkedin

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Ep. 65 How to Overcome Six Modern Advisor Practice Challenges – Richard Heft, Andrew Broadhead on The Ascendant Advisor

Richard Heft, Co-Founder and President, of EXT. Marketing, and Andrew Broadhead, Head of Content at EXT. Marketing, co-authors of the new bestseller, The Ascendant Advisor, a comprehensive content-focused marketing roadmap for advisors, join us a for our an in-depth conversation about how advisors can set themselves apart competitively.

In our conversation, we discuss the 6 major challenges facing advisors today. These challenges, as Richard Heft points out, were on the rise well before the COVID pandemic landed on our shores. What The unfolding of the pandemic did, however, was to accelerate the pace of change, and force advisors to revisit the road forward.

Owing to KYC, advisors are required to invest a great deal of time getting to know everything they can about their clients. But what about Know Your Advisor? Very little time is spent helping their clients, and their potential public, get to know who they are. Perhaps this is because time is at a premium. We talk about how advisors can make themselves discoverable, knowledgeable, and relatable, without feeling like all they're doing is tooting their own horn and coming off the wrong way.

Finally, we get into the topic of inter-spousal and/or inter-generational wealth transfer. We talk about some obvious and not so obvious ways advisors can bridge any of the gaps that exist in their client-family relationships, to have a better chance of retaining their clients, post-succession.

You'll find this conversation full of valuable takeaways. As for what we didn't get to in this conversation, and there is so much, you'll have to get yourself a copy of Richard Heft and Andrew Broadhead's excellent new playbook, The Ascendant Advisor.

Full transcript: Available soon


The Ascendant Advisor is available on Amazon: The Ascendant Advisor

The Ascendant Advisor site

Richard Heft on Linkedin

Andrew Broadhead on Linkedin

The Ascendant Advisor on Linkedin

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Ep. 64 Som Seif, Purpose Investments on the World's First Bitcoin and Ether ETFs

Som Seif, CEO, Purpose Investments joins AdvisorAnalyst's Joseph Lamanna, to discuss the Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC: TSX), the world's first bitcoin ETF, and the Purpose Ether ETF (ETHH: TSX), also another world's first. We discuss the challenge of launching these two new exchange-traded cryptocurrency funds, in the context of the inabliilty by a multitude of U.S.-based ETF firms to do so.

We get into the differences between investing in cryptocurrencies directly versus via ETF, and Som also shares is thoughts on the tracking of the ETFs against the underlying, as well as institutional versus retail transaction costs of trading bitcoin, ether, cold wallets vs. hot wallets, and how to approach position sizing in portfolios.

Finally, we ask Som Seif which of the two of bitcoin and ether, he favours.

Full Transcript

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Ep. 63 Raise Your Average with Jason Buck CIO Mutiny Fund

Jason Buck, Chief Investment Officer of Mutiny Fund joins us. Based in California, Mutiny was born out of Jason Buck's quest to find a way to hedge entrepreneurial risk {he was in commercial real estate in 2006-2008). After the GFC, he figured there had to be a way. Around 2010-2012 family began to ask him if there was tail protection available to protect against Taleb's 'Black Swans.' At that time, Buck's response was that unless you had at least $100-million, you were out of luck if you were looking for this kind of solution.

This set him on a journey of a thousand steps to solve the problem of bringing tail protection strategies and solutions, initiailly to his immediate circle and ultimately, retail level investors. Buck had already been trading options for over ten years, and had more recently begun trading vol, so he understood well how to hedge his own portfolio. But the problem was how do solve for the problem of being able to easily do this for others, namely his family and friends. The Mutiny Fund is Jason Buck and Taylor Pearson's tail protection fund, launched last year in April 2020, to provide investors with access to a tail protection solution that would provide asymmetric payoffs in periods of market drawdowns of at least 20%.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Come hang out with us for a while. You just might find out about something you didn't know you didn't know about. Like how portfolio tail risk protection works.

Transcript: Coming soon

You can get to know more about Jason Buck, Mutiny Fund, and their worthwhile research, podcast, and blogs here:

Jason Buck on Linkedin

Taylor Pearson on Linkedin

Jason Buck on Twitter

Taylor Pearson on Twitter

Mutiny Fund –

Mutiny Podcast –

THE DRAGON PORTFOLIO: How To Preserve And Grow Your Wealth For The Next Century



Mike Philbrick, CEO, ReSolve Asset Management SEZC on Linkedin

Rodrigo Gordillo, President, ReSolve Asset Management SEZC on Linkedin

ReSolve Asset Management

ReSolve Asset Management Blog

Pierre Daillie, on Linkedin

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Welcome to Raise Your Average, our deep dive journey into learning from the people and process behind the world of investing. Through conversations with leaders in the investments game, we peel back the layers of the onion on how these holders of the keys to the kingdom allocate their time, their energy, and their dollars.

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Ep. 62 Raise Your Average with Lyn Alden, Lyn Alden Investment Strategy

Lyn Alden of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy is our guest on Raise Your Average. Lyn is one of today's foremost and profound macro-economic strategists and thinkers. She provides tens of thousands of investors per month with her proprietary investment research. Lyn's investing framework primarily involves fundamental equity investing with a global macro overlay, and while her research is meticulous, multi-layered, and inter-connected in it's findings, one of Lyn Alden's gifts is her ability to appeal to a wide range of investors, from beginners all the way up to market intellectuals.

Our discussion is wide ranging. Lyn describes how she ended up in the investment research arena (she's an engineer), what her interests are, how she's constructed her research framework, what she's looking for in her research, how she identifies bottlenecks and roadblocks, and how she's investing.

We get into the subject of the economy, interest rates, yields, and inflation expectations, Lyn leads the discussion on how the base effects of April-May 2020, when the economy and consumption troughed, is temporarily distorting investors' view on economic growth.

In addition to her equity and macroeconomic research, Lyn has also conducted in-depth research into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and we get into that in some detail too here. There's so much here.

Full transcript:

Lyn Alden Investment Strategy –

Lyn Alden on Linkedin –

Lyn Alden's Newsletter –

How Market Capitalization Works: A Look at Rolling Bubbles –

Ulimate Guide to Inflation –

Economic Japanification: Not What You Think –

ReSolve Asset Management –

ReSolve Asset Management Blog –

Mike Philbrick –

Rodrigo Gordillo –

Adam Butler –

Pierre Daillie – –

Posted in: Episodes Uncategorized

Ep. 61 Raise Your Average with Alex Shahidi and Damien Bisserier, Co-CIOs, Evoke Advisors

Our guests are Alex Shahidi, and Damien Bisserier, both Managing Partners and Co-Chief Investment Officers at Evoke Advisors. Evoke is a $20 billion Registered Investment Advisor based in L.A. They are also well-known as the portfolio managers of the Risk Parity ETF (RPAR:NYSE).

This is ordinarily a fairly complicated topic to discuss, however, Alex and Damien have clearly found a very layperson-friendly way to explain how to construct robust and resilient 'all-weather' portfolios that can profit and preserve capital in all economic and market climates.

In our conversation, Shahidi and Bisserier outline how they construct their portfolios, what are the basic components of their portfolios, and why. They explain the why each asset type behaves and interplays with the other three in the context of four main asset categories, and how they perform through extreme market events.

What you can expect to take away from this, assuming you make the time to listen to the whole conversation, is how you can construct a portfolio that can keep you and your clients invested, and can keep you from potentially losing your heads, behaviourally, during events like the March 2020 Pandemic 40% drawdown.

If the key to long term investment success is to get investment selection and risk budgeting correct, so you, as an investor, and your clients, as investors can stay fully invested through market crashes, economic events, and 'black swans', then "Balanced Asset Allocation" by definition, is seriously worth your consideration. By a country-mile, the 2020 drawdown in the value of almost all risk assets, served as an inflection point which will define how successful investors will be from that moment in time forward.

Please feel free to share your thoughts about this. Please comment below, AND if you enjoyed this episode and others we have recently shared with you, please subscribe, and by all means leave us a review on Youtube, Apple Podcasts or iTunes, or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.

Alex Shahidi, Co-CIO, Managing Director, Evoke Advisors

Damien Bisserier, Co-CIO, Managing Director, Evoke Advisors

Evoke Advisors

Risk Parity ETF (RPAR:NYSE)

Mike Philbrick, CEO, ReSolve Asset Management SEZC

Rodrigo Gordillo, President, ReSolve Asset Management SEZC

ReSolve Asset Management

ReSolve Asset Management Blog

Insight is Capital™ Podcast

Pierre Daillie,