846 posts
George Soros: Reduces Potash and PetroBras, Increases Convertibles reports that according to 13F filings, George Soros' Soros Fund Management made some notable changes to its…
Matt Taibbi: US Healthcare is Sick and Wrong
Matt Taibbi, infamous Goldman Sachs Destroyer, with his expose, Goldman Sachs: “Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The…
Einhorn's Greenlight Capital: Large S&P500 Puts Position (13F) reports, according to 13F filings, David Einhorn's $6-billion hedge fund Greenlight Capital (no relationship to us) has…
How to Blow Market Bubbles
Simon Johnson, former Chief Economist at the IMF, and MIT Sloan School professor provides a well thought out…
Bill King: Reasons to Rally?
> Initial Jobless Claims were 9k more than expected. But Continuing Claims were 103k less than expected. As…
How You Finance Goldman Sachs' Profits - a Goldman insider's view
By Nomi Prins, via Mother Jones July 28, 2009 -- This is perhaps the most important thing I…
Adam Hewison: 5 New Educational Trading Video Tutorials
Adam Hewison released five new free educational and analytical videos from his “Digital Studios” from Market Club. Each…
Bill King: Automated front-running on an unfathomable scale
This post is a guest contribution by Bill King*, well-respected and straight-talking author of The King Report. GreenLightAdvisor…
Hendry: Fears of inflation could trigger bigger downturn
We have followed Hugh Hendry, the outspoken and bold CIO of Eclectica Asset Management, and one of the…
Goldman Sachs: "Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The Great Depression"
Matt Taibbi, the controversial Rolling Stone investigative columnist who has been stalking Goldman Sachs, et al, to unearth…
Hugh Hendry: June 2009 Letter
Here, below, in its entirety is Hugh Hendry's latest letter to investors. Its both enlightening, and highly educational,…
Roubini: Oil and Gold Look Overpriced
Nouriel Roubini, of RGE Economics, declared at a Reuters Summit Tuesday that Oil and Gold are not reflecting…
David Rosenberg: Green Shoot Era Over?
In today's Breakfast with Dave, David Rosenberg, Chief Economist at Gluskin Sheff (ex-Merrill Lynch) discusses the sell-off that…
The Secret European Financial Crisis
Anatole Kaletsky, Editor-at-Large for The Times (London), writes this week on the subject on Europe's looming financial crisis…
Paulson & Co. Accumulating All Things Gold has been diligently tracking the activities of 35+ hedge fund managers, and one of the most notable…