mutual funds
11 posts
Winning with Less: How the SIA 5 Fund Model Delivers Big
by The SIA Hypothetical 5 Mutual Fund Model is designed for smaller-sized accounts that require the same…
Navigating Volatility: The Case for Tactical Alpha
In today's volatile markets, alternative investments are key for diversification, resilience, and returns, but they demand expertise to navigate. Ash Lawrence, Head of AGF Capital Partners and Scott Radke, CEO and Co-CIO of New Holland Capital discuss...
Mutual fund liquidity: A true oasis, or merely a mirage?
by Adam Smears, Russell Investments We are now 10 years into a period of economic expansion, yet there…
Market Resilience: Strength in Numbers
by Sonal Desai, Ed Perks, Stephen Dover, Michael Hasenstab, Franklin Templeton Investments Concerns about where the financial markets…
Has Smart Beta Become a Marketing Catch-term?
by Charles Roth, Thornburg Investment Management Turns out price matters for excess returns, and that what’s worked before…
Yes. It's a Bubble. So What?
by Rob Arnott, Shane Shepherd, and Bradford Cornell, Research Affiliates Key Points The word “bubble” is tossed around…
Market Ethos: Performance Chasing
Performance Chasing by Craig Basinger, Chris Kerlow, Derek Benedet, Shane Obata, Connected Wealth, RichardsonGMP The most prevalent disclaimer…
US Mid Cap: from the Juniors to the Big Show
Watch as Phil Taller, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, uses a hockey analogy to explain the differences between…
Why “Best of Breed” Often Fails
Why “Best of Breed” Often Fails by Seth Masters and Joseph Paul, CIO, AllianceBernstein Many investors seek “best…
Size is the Enemy of Performance
by Ben Carlson, A Wealth of Common Sense “Prices fluctuate more than values – so therein lies opportunity.”…
Why Managing a 'Bloated' Fund is So Difficult
Navigating a Big Ship by Tom Brakke, Research Puzzle Financial Advisor had kind of an odd headline the…
How to Create an Outperforming Canadian Mutual Fund Strategy?
By Paul Kornfeld, National Manger of, Business Development Creating an ideal mutual fund strategy for your clients…