A Silver Lining to the Fiscal Cliff (Visscher)
A Silver Lining to the Fiscal Cliff by Steve Visscher, Mawer Investment Management A recent report from Standard…
Navigating Volatility: The Case for Tactical Alpha
In today's volatile markets, alternative investments are key for diversification, resilience, and returns, but they demand expertise to navigate. Ash Lawrence, Head of AGF Capital Partners and Scott Radke, CEO and Co-CIO of New Holland Capital discuss...
Gordon Gecko Syndrome
Gordon Gecko Syndrome by Jamie Hyndman, Mawer Investment Management A few weeks ago, I went to dinner with…
Political Risk... in Canada? (Visscher)
Political Risk... in Canada? by Steven Visscher, Mawer Investment Management December 7, 2012 In selecting securities, we think…
A Trojan Horse? (Jamie Hyndman)
A Trojan Horse? by Jamie Hyndman, Mawer Investment Management November 30, 2012 Sometime roughly three thousand years ago,…
Resist The Hype (Visscher)
by Steve Visscher, Mawer Investment Management Just for fun I googled “China’s economy”. It yielded pages and pages…
Why Bother? (Visscher)
by Steven Visscher, Mawer Investment Management Bonds can’t go higher. Bonds are too expensive. Inflation is inevitable and…
Mickey Mouse vs. Darth Vader
by Steven Visscher, Mawer Investment Management My parents insisted that our family eat dinner together each night. Seven…
Blaming Nostradamus
Blaming Nostradamus by Kara Lilly, Mawer Investment Management In the past week, the scientific community has been up…
The Abominable No Man
by Jamie Hyndman, Mawer Investment Management I wonder how many investment ideas start optimistically, perhaps with a phrase…
Be Careful Uncle
by Steve Visscher, Mawer Investment Management My uncle is a great guy. He had a successful career and…
Being Benched
by Jamie Hyndman, Mawer Investment Management Earlier this week, Vanguard announced they are changing benchmark providers. They are…
Pay As You Go
by Steven Visscher, Mawer Investment Management Sometimes it feels like we live in a world that rewards fiscal…
Dangerous Liaisons
by Jamie Hyndman, Mawer Investment Management Last [last] Friday morning I was following my usual routine. On the…
Look Back. Now A Little Further.
by Steven Visscher, Mawer Investment Management Recency Bias – the tendency to use our recent experience as the…
QE Forever?
by Ed Ylagan, Mawer Investment Management This past week I have been battling a cold which has, as…