Ten Things I Know About Doctors Now, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a fanciful weekend!

Canada Workplace Depression: Over 1 In 5 Employees Report Current Depression

The mental health of Canada's workforce is in need of a close look. Twenty-two per cent of Canadian employees say they currently suffer from depression, according to an Ipsos Reid survey. Another 16 per cent, meanwhile, say they have experienced depression in the past.


20 Things to Start Doing in Your Relationships

Family isn’t always blood.  They’re the people in your life who appreciate having you in theirs – the ones who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways, and who not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be.  These people – your real family – are the ones who truly matter.


Breast Cancer Prevention Foods: What Can You Eat To Reduce Your Chances?

So this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, take a moment to evaluate how well your diet is working for your future health. Need some tips on what to eat? Try these superfoods, all considered possibly preventive by nutritionists with expertise in cancer. And if you're a breast cancer survivor already, don't forget to check out HuffPost Healthy Living blogger Dr. Nalini Chilkov 's review of diet advice for survivors.


Health Tip: Coping With Early-Onset Alzheimer's - MedicineNet

Alzheimer's disease, although typically associated with people 65 and older, also can affect younger people.


20 Fascinating Facts About Natural Healing Power of Bananas

Here is a story that even a monkey would go ape about. A professor at CCNY for a physiological psych class told his class about bananas. He said the expression 'going bananas' is from the effects of bananas on the brain. When compared to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. No wonder monkeys are so happy all the time!


Kate Gale: The List of Things You Will Miss When Your Kids Move Out Starts With String Cheese

People talk about the "empty nest syndrome." Seriously? They lie. When the first kid moves out, you think, "No!" When the second kid moves out, you say, "Okay." When the third kid moves out? You get the party started. At Thanksgiving, after the last of the kids had moved out, our son asked, "What do you do now that we've moved out?" We looked at each other. "Well, do you want to know?" They shook their heads. They covered their ears.


10 Things I Know About Doctors Now That I'm In My 60s

Perhaps I've inherited her healthy skepticism about medical practitioners. Through the years, I have encountered some wonderful doctors (like those who repaired my husband's heart) and some not-so-wonderful ones (like those who overlooked the conditions that led to his heart attack in the first place). I've been misdiagnosed, had procedures and tests I believe were unnecessary, and every time I look in the medicine cabinet, I see prescriptions that proved to me that the cure is sometimes worse than the disease.


Frank Fitzpatrick: Why Music, Part Two: Music and the Brain

Music is like a mega-vitamin for the brain. Music can increase receptivity and retention of information, aid in the cognitive development of our children, shift our perceptions and emotional states, and inspire creativity and innovative thinking.[1] Playing music, which we will cover in our next chapter, simultaneously engages more areas of the human brain than any other known activity. How do we tap into this wealth of neural activation? Let's start with what I call "active listening."


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