(Not) boring finds for August 2016

by Mawer Investment Management, via The Art of Boring Blog

Here is our latest round of interesting articles for the voraciously curious. These are the thought provoking, insightful, and sometimes strange reads that we came across this month. Some relate to investing. Some simply make us go hmmm….

Medium.com – Just Don’t Do It - The Value of Inactivity in Investing and Other Walks of Life

How action bias works against soccer goalies and investors alike.

“A soccer goalie can improve his/her penalty kick save percentage 33% by NOT acting.  Standing still — or doing nothing — means the goalie should stop anything shot near him and would also give him the chance to react to any ball that is not perfectly struck. In fact, the research suggests that a stationary goalie would improve his save rate from a paltry 13% to a much more respectable 33%...”

NY Times – With Pokémon Go, Nintendo Seeks to Salvage Lost Opportunity

Few apps have the ability to draw the masses to particular locations like Pokemon Go. Welcome to Pokenomics.

Bloomberg – Putin’s Military Buildup in the Baltic Stokes Invasion Fears

Tensions rise as Russia’s military fortification poses a direct threat to both NATO and non-NATO countries in an atmosphere increasingly reminiscent of Cold War Soviet Union.

The Economist – The New Political Divide

A look at the fault line between open and closed politics. Nationalism gains momentum as an arguably short-sighted rebuke against the frustrations of globalization.

“Countering the wall-builders will require stronger rhetoric, bolder policies and smarter tactics. First, the rhetoric. Defenders of the open world order need to make their case more forthrightly. They must remind voters why NATO matters for America, why the EU matters for Europe, how free trade and openness to foreigners enrich societies, and why fighting terrorism effectively demands co-operation. Too many friends of globalization are retreating, mumbling about “responsible nationalism”.”

JamesClear.com – For a More Creative Brain, Follow These 5 Steps

A compelling case study of the creative process, as demonstrated by photographic pioneer, Frederic Eugene Ives.

“Nearly all great ideas follow a similar creative process and this article explains how this process works. Understanding this is important because creative thinking is one of the most useful skills you can possess. Nearly every problem you face in work and in life can benefit from creative solutions, lateral thinking, and innovative ideas.”


This post was originally published at Mawer Investment Management

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