Clifford Asness: High-Frequency Derangement Syndrome

by Clifford Asness, Ph. D. AQR Capital Management, Inc.

Somehow I still naively think after we write something weā€™re pretty sure weā€™re both right and reasonable about, that the discourse will change in our direction, even slightly. I know, arrogant and solipsistic.

Hereā€™s a quick example of this belief being utterly and repeatedly shattered.

People are still writing crapola like this about high-frequency trading (recall we are not high-frequency traders, we just think they make our trading cheaper, and thus our clients better off). 1 In particular, while seeking to hedge themselves (ā€œThis isnā€™t to say that in the good old days we didnā€™t have big swings.ā€), commentators make the same implicit mistake so many do. They casually assume that because todayā€™s system isnā€™t perfect, and it isnā€™t, that yesterdayā€™s was better. 2 It just wasnā€™t. Yesterday's system was much more expensive on average, crashes still occurred, and human market-makers still didnā€™t throw their bodies and wallets in front of those crashes to stop them by buying at higher than market prices.

But, then again, Iā€™ve already said this a few times. 3

Here in the Wall Street Journal

Here on RealClearMarkets

Here on Bloomberg

But, Iā€™m now certain that with this latest missive, Iā€™ve finally put this stuff to bed for good!

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