Cliff Asness: Perhaps the Most Important Essay I Will Ever Co-Author

by Clifford Asness, Ph. D. AQR Capital Management, Inc.

OK, that’s obviously not true. Let me downgrade it to “kind of neat.” Aaron and I build a simple, but powerful and intuitive, model for when a hockey coach should pull the goalie when trailing. Then, when the model reports that the coaches aren’t doing it nearly early enough, we ask why, and take away a perhaps surprisingly large number of lessons for portfolio and risk management, and business in general.

Here it is. Let us know what you think.

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Toy Risk Model Source: AQR, using data from Bloomberg, for the period Jan 23, 1990 through Feb 12, 2018. For illustrative purposes only and not representative of a portfolio that AQR currently manages. Hypothetical Data has inherent limitations, some of which are disclosed herein. Not to be construed as investment advice or a specific recommendation. There is no guarantee, express or implied, that long-term return and/or volatility targets will be achieved. Realized returns and/or volatility may come in higher or lower than expected. There is no guarantee that this strategy will be successful.
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This post was originally published at AQR Capital

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