6 Things Happy People Never Do, and other Weekend Reads

6 Things Happy People Never Do, and other Weekend Reads

by Helen Lamanna, AdvisorAnalyst.com

6 Things Happy People Never Do

Happy people do a lot of things. They spend time expressing gratitude, cultivating optimism, practicing kindness, nurturing loving relationships, committing to meaningful goals, savoring life’s little pleasures, and so on and so forth. But they NEVER…


5 Best Foods for Migraine Relief

The fibre in these migraine fighting foods helps by removing excess estrogen from the body along with waste, so it's not recycled back into your bloodstream.


Superfood Bananas: Goodness Packed In One Sweet Bunch - Health Aim

Bananas were believed to have originated in Malaysia from 4,000 years ago. Now, it can be found all over the world, and can easily be bought in your local grocery store.


One Hard Thing You Have to Do to Be Happy, Healthy and Successful

Think about the most common problems we deal with in our lives – from laziness to lack of exercise to unhealthy diets to procrastination, and so on. In most cases, problems like these are not caused not by a physical ailment, but by a weakness of the mind – a weakness that urges us to avoid discomfort.


Wealthy Health

Pain, all of a sudden, lots of pain. Your joints are swollen and the slightest move you make leaves you desperate for fast relief from the agony. If this sounds like you, then be sure to ask your doctor to check you out for gout.


5 Ways to Improve Your Gut Flora - EatingWell

Getting a little dirt (and the critters in it) under your fingernails is one way to enhance your microbial diversity. People raised on farms, for example, are less prone to asthma and allergies.


13 Proven Health Benefits of Coffee (No. 1 is My Favorite)

The studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases.


Natural home remedies: Bad breath | Best Health Magazine Canada

Is bad breath bogging you down? Here are some quick home remedies for a common problem


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